Orange County NC Website
On July 23, 20x2, Orange County, along with 72 other counties in North Carolina, was declared <br />an agricultural disaster area. The North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, in <br />collaboration with the local Farm Service Agency and other agricultural related agencies, ,has <br />been working closely with local farmers to determine relief efforts and the impact of the drought <br />on these farming enterprises. Staff have prepared a list of Cooperative Extension activities in <br />response to the draught, and will attend the work session to provide further information on the <br />educational and federally assisted programs being offered for drought relief, <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact associated with receiving and discussing <br />these staff reports. However, the County will need to devote additiona! staff resources towards <br />the public education effort and if necessary, financial resources towards mitigating adverse <br />consequences for County human service clients who lack the resources to dea! with the worst <br />drought impacts. There are also some costs, not yet quantified, associated with the use of new <br />water coolers in lieu of existing water fountains and water-free hand cleaning supplies in County <br />facilities. <br />RECOMNIENDATIQN(S~: The Manager recommends that the Board: <br />1) receive and discuss the reports; <br />2} endorse changes to the drought/water use ordinance that would mandate the use of single <br />service in County restaurants; <br />3} endorse the recommended public information strategies as outlined in the County <br />Engineer's report; <br />4} endorse the use of water conservation technologies in County facilities where appropriate; <br />and <br />5} provide additional direction, as appropriate, to the Manager and staff. <br />