Orange County NC Website
Far those not interested in the 3.5 mile hike, Colonial Guides of Hillsborough will provide a free <br />guided walking tour of downtown Hillsborough,on Sunday afternoon. The tour will begin at the <br />Orange County Sheriffs Department on East Margaret Lane at 2:00 pm and will include a tour <br />of the Dickson House, the Regulator Marker, the Courthouse, and many of Hillsborough's other <br />historic sites. The tour, which lasts for approximately 1'/z hours, will conclude at the Old <br />Courthouse in time for the lecture. <br />On Monday, September 9, beginning at 11;40 am at the Old Courthouse in downtown <br />Hillsborough, the acoustic band Mappamundi will play instrumental selections from their <br />Colonial American music program. At noon, there will be a ringing of church bells across <br />Orange County, followed by a blessing by Jahn Blackfeather Jeffries. Barry Jacobs, Chair of <br />the Orange County Board of Commissioners and chair of the 250th Anniversary Celebration <br />Committee, will make brief remarks, followed by remarks by University of North Carolina at <br />Chapel Hill Chancellor Dr. James Maeser, State Senator Howard Lee, Hillsborough author Lee <br />Smith and Chapel Hill historian Dr. Jahn Douglas Eyre. To close the program, Mappamundi will <br />sing two. selections. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Thanks to corporate donations, there will be no financial impact to the <br />County.. <br />RECt~MMENDATIt7N(S}: The Manager recommends that the Board review the proposed <br />activities and comment as necessary. <br />