Orange County NC Website
4 <br />ATTACHMENT 3: CHARGE, PURPOSE, AND <br />OUTCOMES QF THE CPLUC <br />Charge and Purpose. The charge and purpose of the CPhUC is fio: <br />a. Bea "sounding board" during the first stage of the Comprehensive Planning process, <br />with all materials being forwarded to the BQCC; <br />b. Review background data on current land use conditions, analysis of countywide <br />development trends, and demographic changes; <br />c. Identify constraints to future growth (includes discussion and pursuit of definitions on <br />sustainabiiity, natural limits to growth, and quality of life issues); <br />d. Review the various future growth scenarios; and <br />e. Qffer perspectives, based on their areas of interest, on the pros and cons of addressing <br />and resolving land use and growth issues through a system of Goals, Gbjectives, <br />Policies, and Implementation Regulations. <br />Outcomes. The Committee will provide staff with feedback in writing or through the minutes <br />of the meetingson: <br />• The pros and cans of the various growth management tools; <br />• The direction of the Comprehensive Planning Process; and <br />The possible need for and discussion points for Small Area Planning Committees <br />andlor meetings. <br />