Orange County NC Website
~:Jt3? 1 ~f ~1biJL 11: ~l <br />- t <br />y;~y~441~yb <br />~ u~t t~u_ <br />~~ <br />Hills gh <br />T4W~V OF HILI.SBQROrIG~i' - STAFF INTERESTS <br />~~~ Regarding Orange Couxty Area Drought <br />Aug~cst z4, ~©OZ <br />PAGE 82 <br />~acksruglad oA tl~e West Fork (Enol Reservoir: The Town's zeservair was designed and <br />permitted as a supplemental water source #'or the of Hillsborough water system (i.e., to provide <br />far the Town's water needs av+cr au.d abav9e the allocation Hillsborough is permitted via the <br />Capacity U'se Agreement. Hillsbomugl~ voters approved a bated referendum in 1993 to fxnazace <br />the canstnrctiam at' the Nest Fark Rs"seavoir, Sub®equeritly, customers an the Town's system <br />(bath in-town amd out-of--fawn) have been paying $723,200 in aanrxal debt service payments, in <br />addition to funding in excess of X500,000 in cash for the project The annual debt service <br />payments plane for this project make up approximately 25% of the annual water-related <br />expezaditures in the FY03 Budget and spproximatcly I5% of the entire Water & Sewer Fund <br />Budget. As a result, Hillsborough customers (especially those who are out-off town austamers) <br />are paying some of the highest water rates in the state. <br />The purpose of constructing the West Fark Reservoir was to 1) eliminate Hillsbarougb,'s <br />deperXdency op its neighbors (e.g., Durham and OWASA) to provide water to rrxeet peak <br />demands, 2} reduce the frequency and severity of water restrictions due to law flow conditions ~ <br />the Eno, and 3) allow the Town to accamrnadate reasonable amounts of growth in the future sa <br />as to strengthen Hillsboarough's local economy and diversify its tax base. Ia addition, newer <br />customers axe necessary to provide same "economies of scale" so as to help share the financial <br />burden regarding the many fixed costs associated with operaf~g a water system. <br />While nirt required and rat requested to da sa, the Town started releasing additional water from <br />the West Fark Reservoir during Stage 4 so as to help slow the "drop" in Lake Change anal to <br />delay entry into more seveze restriction stages (i.e,, Stage S and likely Stage 6}. While the Town <br />was/is using about 1.0 - 1.1 MGD; it started releasing 1.0 MGD im addition to the mi~aimal <br />required in-stream flow, increased the release to 1.51+viGD for a period, and is now releasing 1.1 <br />MGD ar the equivalent of t1~e Town's average daily usage. Hillsbomugla; has either been <br />releasing an amount equal to (ar in excess) a£' the water it has been using for about three (3) <br />weeks. So, Hillsborough has essarttially rat used any water #'rom Lake Prange i,n thz~ee weeks, <br />even though it's permitted up to a x.1 1VIGD withdrawl during Stage 5. The Town did net make <br />the additional releases with the intention of requesting any financial compensation from the other <br />entities that are receiving any indirectldirect benefit from flue action. The additional releases <br />from Hillsborough have delayed what appears to be a likely entry iota Stage 6, by helping to <br />slow the water level drop in Lake Orange. While theare are benefits far Hiilsbaraugh, this has <br />also benefited the Piedmont Minerals and Grange-Alamance systccns by delaying tine entry iota <br />Stage 5 where they had to reduce their withdrawls from the Eno. Delaying the entry into Stage 6 <br />7~ <br />101 East Orange Street • P.O. Box 4P9 • Hillsborough, North Carolina P7878 <br />919-73E-I27p • Fuac 919-644.239D <br />