Agenda - 08-29-2002 - Agenda
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-29-2002
Agenda - 08-29-2002 - Agenda
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8/29/2008 10:55:34 AM
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<br />Drought Response Report <br />Orange County <br />August 14, ~U02 <br />Background <br />There has been a fair amount of both media and public attention to the worsening drought <br />conditions throughout the spring and summer, While the majority of the focus has been on <br />public water supplies and indeed those aze vital to service the majority of the population, it is <br />important to remember that between 30-40% of our population are served by wells. Some of the <br />issues related to wells going dry and appropriate response to other aspects of the drought that <br />overlap into the public water supply area include: emergency supplies fax residents served by <br />individual wells that ga dry, the education of the public about water conservation, the use of <br />untreated graywater for irrigation purposes, and recommendations to food service establishments <br />on how to reduce water usage and still. maintain good sanitation. It will be important to develop <br />a local comprehensive drought management plan that incorporates practices for all water users; <br />establishes cooperation among all jurisdictions; provides a framework for emergency supplies; <br />and integrates bath public water supplies and a rural cornrnunity approach into such a plan.. <br />Dry Wells <br />When a water supply well begins showing syrnptozns of going dry, it is usually exhibited by <br />surging in water pressure, air in the pipes, and periods when the water does not flow. After <br />fuming the water off and letting the well recharge for a period of tinge, flow may be restored. <br />However, a well may reach a point where water is pumped out at a rate faster than it can be <br />recharged. This is referred to as the well "going dry". The Health Department's Environmental <br />Health Division becomes aware of these situations only as well owners come to the office to <br />apply for replacement well permits. <br />Applications are typically received during the dry summer and fall seasons to replace dry wells, <br />.however our ability to search records in prior years for the number of "replacern,ent wells" is <br />limited. Anecdotally, we have observed that the number of applications received during this <br />summer season is higher than we have seen in the past. <br />In the period between June 1St and July 14~` 2002, the Environmental l-Iealth office processed 60 <br />well permit applications. Of these, 11 (18%}were to replace wells or springs that had gave dry <br />or were low on water. <br />From July 15~'to August 13a' 2002, the office received another 60 well permit applications. Of <br />these, 18 (30%) were replacements far existing wells or springs that were going dry. An <br />additional 4 or 5 of the wells were drilled for irrigation purposes or for livestock. <br />Of the wells that were reported to have problems with going dry, a vast majority of them were <br />either springs or large diameter hand-dug or bored wells. These wells are supplied by very <br />shallow sources of water and are rarely more than 30 or 40 feet deep. As such, they are <br />susceptible to variations in the water table and are much more readily affected by seasonal <br />drought. Since the sauxce of water is traveling in the soil layer over consolidated rock, they also <br />are susceptible to contamination by bacteria and high levels of minerals. <br />
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