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PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE (nRAFTj 17 <br />u~~ <br />k) All abandoned communication towers shall be removed within 12 months <br />of the cessation of use. A bond or other security guaranteeing the <br />removal of the tower in the event that it is abandoned or unused far a <br />period of 12 months shall be posted. A cost estimate shall be provided <br />by a qualified contractor. The amount of the security shah be 110 <br />percent of the estimate. <br />I) A determination shall be made that the facility and its equipment will <br />comply with all federal, state and local emission requirements, and the <br />Special Use Permit shall include a statement that the facility and its <br />equipment will comply with all federal, state and local emission <br />requirements. <br />m} The Special Use Permit shall include a condition that the electro- <br />magnetic radiation levels maintain compliance with requirements of the <br />FCC, regarding emission of <br />electromagnetic radiation. Within 30 days of installation of equipment on <br />the tower, and within 30 days of the installation of any additional <br />equipment in the future, the tower owner shall provide documentation of <br />emission levels in relation to FCC standards. In addition, the tower <br />owner must provide documentation of emission levels within five working <br />days if so requested by Orange County. Qrange County may make such <br />requests at any time, not to exceed four times per year. <br />n) High voltage and "No Trespassing" and other warning signs. <br />1) If high voltage is necessary for the operation of the <br />telecommunications tower or any accessory structures, <br />"HIGH VOLTAGE -DANGER" warning signs shall be <br />permanently attached to the fence or wall and shall be <br />spaced no more than forty (40) feet apart. <br />2) "NO TRESPASSING" warning signs shall be permanently <br />attached to the fence or wall and shall be spaced no more <br />than forty (40) feet apart. <br />3) The letters for the "HIGH VOLTAGE -DANGER" and "NO <br />TRESPASSING" warning signs shall be at least six (6) <br />inches in height. The two (2} warning signs may be <br />combined into one (1) sign. The warning signs shall be <br />installed at least five (5) feet above th®finished grade of the <br />fence. <br />4) The warning signs may be attached to freestanding pales if <br />the content of the signs may be obstructed by landscaping. <br />5) Signs noting federal registration (if required) shall be <br />attached to the tower structure in compliance with federal <br />regulation. <br />ay Equipment storage. Mobile or immobile equipment not used in <br />direct support of a tower facility shall not be stored or parked an <br />the site of the telecommunication tower, unless repairs to the tower <br />are being made. <br />G:1TKinglTower prd2lCell Tower Ordinance RevB <br />