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PUBLIC HEAR[NG ORDINANCE (DRAFT) 15 <br />0 ~. 9 <br />la-i) The applicant shall, after submission of an application for a Special <br />lJse Permit, arrange #a fly, or raise upon a mast, a minimum of a <br />three-foot (3') in diameter, brightly colored red or orange balloon at <br />the maximum height of the proposed new tower. A notice of the <br />dates (inc[uding a second date in case of poor visibility, weather or <br />atmospheric conditions on the initial date), times, and location of <br />the balloon test shall be mailed, by the applicant, to all persons <br />owning property within 1,000 feet of the subject parcel no less than <br />fourteen (14) days in advance of the first test date. The applicant <br />shall inform the County Planning Staff, in writing, of the dates and <br />times of the test at least fourteen (14) days in advance. The balloon <br />test shall be flown for at {east four (4) consecutive hours sometime <br />between 7:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. on the dates chosen. The primary <br />date shall be on a weekend, but to prevent delays in the processing <br />of the application, and in case of poor weather or atmospheric <br />conditions on the initial date, the secondary date may be a <br />weekday. Photographs of aclearly-visible balloon floated at the <br />proposed tower location to the maximum height of the tower shall be <br />submitted no later than ten (10) days prior to the public hearing. <br />Photographs shall be taken from locations such as: property lines, and/or <br />nearby residential areas, historic sites, roadways, including scenic roads <br />and major view corridors, and other locations as deemed necessary by <br />the Planning Staff to assess the visual impact of the proposed tower. <br />i-j) The Special Use Permit application shall include a statement that the <br />facility and its equipment will comply with ail federal, state and local <br />emission requirements. <br />k) Ali buildings and other structures to be located on the same <br />property as a telecommunication tower shall conform with the <br />setbacks established for the zoning district or as established <br />through the subdivision process. <br />8.8.17x.2 Standards of Evaluation <br />The following specific standards, as Weil as those found in Section 6.1$.4 of <br />the Zoning Ordinance, shall be used in deciding upon an application for <br />approval: <br />a) Adjacent to residential zoning districts, minimum setbacks from the base <br />of the tower to the property boundary shalt be equal to the height of the <br />tower. The se#back may be reduced to no less than one-half of the tower <br />height if easements for the remaining setback distance are granted by <br />adjoining property owners. <br />b) Adjacent to non-residential uses or non-residential zoning districts, <br />minimum setbacks from the base of the tower to the property boundary <br />shall be the greater of 20% of the tower height, or the minimum required <br />setback- <br />c} - A Type C Landscape Buffer shall be provided between the tower and <br />accessory structures and adjoining property. Existing vegetation may be <br />removed only to the extent necessary to accommodate the tower, <br />equipment buildings, and support structures such as guy wires. <br />G:1TKinglTower Ord2lCell Tower Qrdinance Rev8 <br />