Orange County NC Website
nn C PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE (DRAFT) 14 <br />V~U <br />2} Delineation of the boundaries of the maximum search range <br />within which the tower equipment can function as intended. The <br />following information shall be piavided for all existing towers <br />within the search range: <br />(a) Tower height, as measured from the g~nd-to-tlae <br />base of the tower <br />to the highest point of the propased antenna(s) to be <br />located atop the tower structure; <br />(b) Existing and planned tower users; <br />{c) Whether the existing tower could accommodate the <br />antenna to be attached to the propased tower without <br />causing structural instability or radio frequency <br />interference; and <br />(d) If the proposed antenna cannot be accarnmodated on <br />the existing tower, assess whether the existing tower <br />could be structurally strengthened or whether the <br />antennas transmitters and related equipment could be <br />protected from electromagnetic interference, and <br />generally describe the means and projected cost of <br />shared use of the existing tower; and <br />(e) any restrictions or limitations ofithe ~ <br />FCC or FAA that would <br />preclude the shared use afi the tower; and <br />(f) any additional information requested by the County. <br />3) A'summary explanation of why proposed fiacilities cannot be <br />located on any of the existing towers in the search range, <br />e f) Documentation from applicable state or federal agencies indicating <br />requirements which affect the appearance of the proposed tower, such <br />as lighting and coloring. <br /># g} Draft letter-e#-eFe~+t bond which wiN guarantee the removal of the tower <br />in the event that it is abandoned or unused for a period of 12 months. <br />g-h} A listing of, and current tax map identifying, aIi property owners within <br />1t)()Q feet of the parcel sha11 be provided. Addressed, first class <br />stamped envelopes to said property owners shall be submitted with <br />the application. Each property owner shall be notified of the public <br />hearing in accordance with Article (Class B Special Use Permit) <br />qr Article 8.4.5 (Glass A Specia[ Use Permit} of this C7rdinance. <br />G:I7King~Tower Ord2lCell Tower Ordinance Rev8 <br />