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PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE ~pRAFT) <br />Section 8. (Pages 8-21 to 8-24) Amend Section 8.8.17a•to read as follows: <br />8.8.9 Ta Telecommunication Towers <br />8.$.17a.1 Definitions <br />Wards, terms and phrases, when used in this Section, shall have the <br />meanings ascribed to them as in Section 6.18. <br />8.8.17a.1a Additionallnformation <br />In addition fa the information required in Subsections 6.18, 8.2 and 8.8, the <br />fallowing shall be submitted as part of the application. <br />a) A Site Plan showing the entire site and size of all existing structures <br />within 500 feet of the site, existing and proposed structures on site, <br />the fall zone of the tower, existing and proposed topography at a <br />contour interval of five feet and any officially designated floodways and <br />floodplains, ar the presence of alluvial soils. <br />~~ U 17 <br />bj Plans, and elevations for all proposed structures and descriptions of the <br />color and nature of all exterior material. <br />c) A Landscape Flan showing, at the same scale as the Site Plan, existing <br />and proposed trees, plus shrubs, ground cover and other landscape <br />materials. This plan shall minimize adverse visual effects of <br />telecommunication towers and antennas through careful design, <br />siting, landscape screening and innovative camouflaging <br />techniques. Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, to <br />minimize adverse visual impacts associated wi#h the proliferation <br />and clustering of telecommunications towers, co-location of <br />facilities on existing or new towers shall be encouraged. <br />d) Monopole, lattice or guyed telecommunication towers shall not be <br />locat®d within Y~ mile of any existing monopole, lattice ar guyed <br />telecommunications tower. This distance restriction shat) not apply <br />to any monopole, lattice ar guyed telecommunication tower owned <br />by a public, not for profit agency ar entity. <br />d e} Evidence that the applicant has investigated the possibilities for locating <br />the proposed facilities an an existing tower. Such evidence shall consist <br />af: <br />1) A listing of all towers within a ;41-mile {for towers 150 feet in <br />height or shorter ~#ar3 2A9-#set} or ~ 2-miles (for towers greater <br />than 2A8 15Q feet exalter in height} radius of the proposed <br />tower site. Documents shall be submitted at the time of <br />application filing that indicate the applicant's ability or <br />inability to co-locate on the identified towers) and reasons <br />why. <br />G:1TKinglTower Qrd2lCell Tower Ordinance Rev8 <br />