Orange County NC Website
~ ~ ~ PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE (DRAFT) <br />b} A statement shall be submitted, prepared by a professional <br />engineer certified in telecommunication facility design, <br />which through rational engineering analysis, certifies the <br />tower's compliance with applicable standards as set forth in <br />the State of North Carolina Building Code, and any <br />assaciiated regulations; and describes the tower's capacity, <br />including an example of the number and type of antennas it <br />can accommodate. <br />c} Applicants shall provide: <br />1) the existing cell sites (latitude, longitude, power levels} <br />to which this proposed site will be a handoff candidate, <br />2) an Radio Frequency plot indica#ing the coverage of <br />existing sites, and that of the proposed site, <br />3} the search area utilized in finding the proposed site, <br />4} antenna heights and power levels of proposed site, and <br />5} a written affidavit stating why "the proposed site is <br />necessary for their communications service" (e.g., for <br />coverage, capacity, hole-filling, etc.} and a statement <br />that there are no existing alternative sites within the <br />provided search area and there are na alternative <br />technologies-available which could provide the <br />proposed service enhancbrnent without the tower. <br />a) County staff will utilize the services of a registered <br />professional engineer to confirm the statement <br />made in item 5) above. No tower shall be permitted <br />to exceed its designed loading capacity. For all <br />towecs attached to existing structures, the statement <br />shall include certification that the structure can <br />support the Iaad superimposed from the tower. All <br />towers shall have the capaci#y to permit multiple <br />users; at a minimum monopole towers shall <br />accommodate two (2} users and self-suppartllattice <br />or guyed towers shall, at a minimum accommodate <br />three {3} users. <br />d} Standards of evaluation. <br />1} Tower height shall be measured from the base of the <br />tower to the highest point of the proposed <br />antenna(s) to be located atop the tower structure. <br />2} Telecommunication towers shall conform with all of <br />the requirements of Section $.8.17a.2 (Standards of <br />Evaluation} of the Zoning Qrdinance. <br />G:1TKing\Tower Ord21Cet1 Tower Ordinance RevB <br />