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PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE (DRAFT) s O O 9 <br />2) Notwithstanding the above.provisions of this Section, <br />towers in existence as of (date of <br />Ordinance adoptiafti ,may be replaced with a tower of equal <br />or less visual impact after approval by the County Planning <br />Director or his/her designee. However, if the proposed new <br />tower would not be consistent with the minimum standards <br />under this Section, replacement must be approved as <br />provided for in this Ordinance. <br />fi.113.3 Antennas not located on telecommunications towers. <br />a) Antenna types. Antennas shall be permitted on existing <br />buildingststructures in accordance with this Ordinance. To <br />minimize adverse visual impacts, stealth antenna types shall be <br />preferred. If anon-stealth antenna is proposed, the application <br />shall be required to demonstrate, in a technical manner acceptable <br />to the Planning Director or his/her designee, why the stealth <br />antenna (i.e. an antenna incorporated into the architecture of the <br />building or fully screened from view from sight proximate to the <br />antenna) cannot be used for the particular application. This does <br />not preclude a combination of the various types of antennas. <br />1j Antenna dimensions. Antenna dimensions shall be <br />reviewed by the Planning Director orhis/her designee as <br />required by existing technology. A statement shall be <br />submitted, prepared by a professional engineer certified in <br />telecommunication facility design, and competent to <br />evaluate antenna choices, to certify the need for the <br />required dimensions. <br />b) Aircraft hazard. Prior to the issuance of a Building Permit by the <br />Inspections Department, the application shall provide evidence that <br />the telecommunication tower or antennas are in compliance with <br />FAA regulations. Where an antenna wilt not exceed the highest <br />point of the existing structure upon which it is to be mounted, such <br />evidence shall nat be required. <br />c) Stealth rooftop or building mounted antennas not exceeding twenty <br />(20) feet above roofline of the building or support structure shall be <br />permitted as an accessory use in all zoning districts. <br />d) Building or rooftop stealth antennas shall be subject to the <br />following minimum standards: <br />1) No commercial advertising shall be allowed on an antenna; <br />2) No signals, lights, ar illumination shall be permitted on an <br />antenna, unless required by the FCC or the FAA; <br />3) Any related unmanned equipment building shall not contain <br />more than six hundred (600) square feet of gross floor area <br />per user or be more than twelve (12) feet in height; <br />G:1TKinglTower Ord2lCell lower Ordinance Rev8 <br />