Orange County NC Website
O ~ ~ PUBL{C HEARING ORDINANCE tDRAFTj <br />Telecarnmunication Tower, Stealth - A telecommunication tower whose <br />primary purpose is,.or visually appears to be, something other than the <br />support of telecommunications equipment, the apparent purpose of the <br />tower is customarily considered as accessory to a use that is allowed in <br />the zoning district, and the structure and its primary use comply with the <br />Orange County Zoning Ordinance. <br />Whip Antenna -- A cylindrical antenna that transmits andlor receives <br />signals in three hundred sixty (360) degrees. <br />6.18:1 Administrative Approval of Stealth Telecammunicatian Towers <br />New stealth #elecommunication towers up to 78 feet in height, which are <br />sufficiently disguised so as to minimize visual impact, maybe approved <br />administratively by the Planning Staff provided that all of the provisions contained <br />in Article 8.8.17a are met. Anew tower may be considered a stealth <br />telecommunication tower if: the primary purpose of the structure is, ar visually <br />appears to be, something other than the support of telecommunieatians <br />equipment; the apparent purpose is customarily considered as accessary to a <br />use which is allowed in the zoning district; and the structure and its primary use <br />comply with the Grange County Zoning Qrdinance. <br />The placement of telecamrnunicatian equipment on existing structures may be <br />approved administratively provided that the equipment does not extend mare <br />than 2Q feet above the, structure, , <br />is-gFea#e~ and height and setback limitations of the Zoning Ordinance are met. <br />6.18.2 Telecammunicatians facilities as accessory, uses <br />a) Telecommunications facilities, including monopole and stealth <br />telecommunication towers above 75 feet and microcell facilities <br />shall be permitted as an accessory,use in all districts in accordance <br />with the provisions of this Orciinanc®, or as follows: <br />1) On property awned by the County ar any public entity <br />except those designated as historic properties ar sites. The <br />County shall authorize the application and use of County <br />property after the applicant executes a lease agreement <br />acceptable to the County. The County shall have na <br />obligation whatsoever to execute such lease even if the <br />applicant can meet the criteria set forth herein. <br />b) Towers as part of existing utility poles shall be permitted as an <br />accessory use. Towers shall be constructed as part of the existing <br />utility poles or as replacements for the existing utility poles. No <br />freestanding towers constructed exclusively for persona! wireless <br />services shall be permitted. <br />c) The placement of a new telecommunication tower to any zoning <br />district must be approved as a Special Use, except as permitted in <br />the Master Telecommunications Plan {"Plan"). <br />d) Existing Towers <br />1) Telecommunications antennas may be placed on existing <br />tOW@rs. <br />G:1TKinglTower Ord2lCell Tower Ordinance RevB <br />