Orange County NC Website
Qomestic Violence Awareness Month 2003 Activities <br />Throughout the mouth: <br />• T?urrlc ribbon distril,uuon, can.+~,~ h,cnti~~ns tluuu~hoctt C)ruige C~+unry <br />• (;ell phnnc wlltction, F~'1't office, ^0l Last R+as+:rnasy Scrcct, Ca+apel f sill, <br />y:fH) a m. u, 5,UU p.m. <br />5uuday, l0/5, 1:OU p.m to b:UU p.w , I)rnvnwwri Chapel hill <br />l~cstifall, rrf;+,urt;c table wil}, nc~ ()tan};c (:ouaty RaPc Crisis f:cnccl <br />~iuuJay thrrni~h Friday, <br />Wednesday, l0/8,'lim~ TT3~, UNC Wotnc:u'a HosPilal <br />`'IIcatrh C::ucs About T)V" L)ny, rcauurce table ~viUi (Lze UNC: Hospitals Rc'atl~u Child an+l }tanuly Prnl,•ra:u <br />Thursday, 10/9, l :f10 p.iu. to ~}:',(1 P.m., $outhrT-n Human 5c•n•ites Center, C:hrpel l Till <br />17+,tnesttc Viol+•ru:e ptoFessicynrl TraJnin~ Sctie~, ~cssinn #1 <br />In tcgisrcr, e:ell 141a.tia T Til t, Uranlgr C:.+,uruy I Ieslth l7epartmcnt, (91 y) UGR-'?()2'.'., ext.~~ 1 <br />Monday, l0/ 13, lU:3U a.ra t++ l 1:3U a.m., Olangc Crninty llepartmcnt uir ARing l+~,cntstion <br />Thutsds+y,10/16, 2.UU p m., T.c>c;xllan TRr~, Vt~l <br />saeurdYy, to/1R, lO.UU am tc+ G:f1U p.m, Raleigh Convr..ntiuu ~_enter <br />Tlie Cn~kin}~ Slxrvv ;?Utl',; a iuudL:tisrr For 1•VI'C <br />suuday, io/ 19, 1:U(1 p m. Iv 5.W p.m , Ca,apcl Hill GITnlllOrllty (:CA(l'I Park <br />l Tealrhy CuioLaian~ of Usan~e C'nuntr's ramTl)~ F'uu and Fitness L)ay, rescn+n:e table <br />Tuesday, ]U/21, 9•fl(1 ~.+,L to 12:30 T,.+~l., v=aa~C' C'uuury- G~vcruwent Sen ices t;cnrer, T Ti1lSburuugh <br />T~auic'•uc Vinlcncc Prolcsci~nal ~iisirung 4cric, ~aa~on #l <br />1'o re~iste•r, call Maria Hiu, Onngr C.ouuty liealrh llcp:utalenr, (919) cJGB ?.f122, ext. ?`I1 <br />WedneRday,10/22, ] :? n~x,u lu 12•~}5 P.ta,, Ocalz~c f'„uuty Dcpar~n,ait on Agin}; T+tr,encao~n <br />Wednesday,10/22 thtougli Tuesday, '10/2f1, various times ' <br />tiilcntVGituess 1'.x}-ibit... v~in+ta loeauuns tllrrnt~lli,ut prnn~• (:i,unty-,,ncluelin~ UNC tiehcx~l ulLaw, C)rangr <br />C:ounry 17ivrriet Lourt, Southern f luman Scrvi~es (~enrcr, Wluued 1 Tnmaa Srtvices Cantu, L''tu, Rirc* i?rucanan <br />f_rnivcrsahst rellow;~}+il, <br />Tuesday, 10/28, Ciathcr al 5.3U p m., T3uwuto~n Chapel Bill <br />March luz family T'cdce; recepdc~n fi~llowuig at for C:xioltnc Womeu'S Center, T?NC-Chapel ITill, <br />13~ Last Ftankliu Street. Snitc #215, ChiT+e] Hill <br />1~Vednesday, 14/29, 11:13 a m. lu 1.'.:3U p.m , C)raugt (:rnlnry Dcparl,ncat nn r~(T~~ ptesentan~n <br /> <br />Thutsday,l0/ 30, Tnnc '1~A, Uumesut Vir.~lencc/Wuihplace Vinlcncc ~'Gorkshor <br />