Orange County NC Website
The Board will consider receiving Criminal Justice Partnership Program (CJPP) implementation grant funds <br />totaling $165,221 from the NC Department of Correction, and authorize chair to sign continent upon staff <br />revie«~. <br />h. C"riminal Justice Partnership Program 2003-2004 Contracts <br />The Board «Till consider approving service delivery contracts for the Criminal Justice Partnership Program <br />(CJPP} and authorize the chair to sign contingent upon staff review-. <br />i. Agreement Reney~~al Between [TNC Hospitals and Orange County for the Senior Wellness Program <br />The Board will consider an agreement renewal to receive $50,000 from the University of North Carolina <br />(UNC) Hospitals for its co-sponsorship of the Department on Aging's Senior t?Vellness Program from July 1, <br />2003 through June 30, 2004 and authorize the Chair to sign. <br />j. C:'ontinuation Agreement with the Town of Chanel Hill for Senior Recreation SeriRCes <br />The Board «Till consider approving a continuation Agreement with the To«-~n of Chapel Hill to provide <br />funding in the amount of $46,697 for senior recreation programs on behalf of the Town's Parks and <br />Recreation Depatment; and authorize the Chair to sign. <br />k. Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan Amendments to C"orrespond with the Town of Chapel Hill's <br />C:'omprehensive Plan <br />The Board will consider adoption of the following amendments to the Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan <br />resulting from the Chapel Hill Comprehensive Plan adopted by the Town in May 2000. <br />1. Changing the designation of the Greene Tract from "Landfill Pending Further Study" to <br />`Housing/Recreation/Open Space/County Use <br />2. Changing the designation of land south of Eubanks Road from "Open Space" to "Low <br />Residential." <br />3. Changing the designation of land north of Eubanks Road, between the existing landfill and <br />Hillhouse Road, from "I~~Iixed Use, Office Emphasis" to "Open Space." <br />4. Changing the designation of parcels between Ivlillhouse Road and Interstate 40 from "Mixed Use, <br />Office Emphasis" to "Rural Residential." <br />5. Changing the designation of the parcel northwest of the Greene Tract and southeast of the <br />existing landfill (parcel known as the "Neville Tract") from "Open Space" to "Non-landfill <br />County use." <br />1. Land Use Plan Amendment to Incorporate Water and Sewer Management, Planrwig and <br />Bowulary Agreement and NIap <br />The Board will consider adoption of a proposed amendment to the Land Use Element of the Orange County <br />Comprehensive Plan to incorporate the u~'ater and Sewer Management, Planning and Boundary Agreement <br />and N1ap. <br />m. Budget Amendment #3 <br />The Board will consider approving budget ordinance amendments for fiscal year 2003-04. <br />n. 2003-04 School Capital Proiect Approvals <br />The Board will consider approving Level 1 capital project ordinances for Chapel Hill Cariboro City Schools <br />(CHCCS) and Orange County Schools (OCS). <br />o. ~'Vhitted Human Services Center Renovation -Progress Report and Request for Authorization for <br />Additional Debt Funding to Complete the Proiect <br />The Board twill discuss the status of the Whiffed Human Services Center (WHSC) renovation project and to <br />consider authorization for additional $475,000 debt funding to complete the project; and to direct staff to <br />include this amount in the updated five year plan for the issuance of County bonds and alternative financing, <br />to be presented during the October 27, 2003 Capital investment Plan work session; and Authorize the <br />Manger or his designee to contract with vendors for the referenced renovation work {painting, flooring, etc.) <br />when that work exceeds the $20, 000 threshold for Board approval, except that amounts exceeding $50,000 <br />would need Board approval. <br />p. Percent for Art for Southern Commmuty Park and Homestead Aquatics Center <br />