Orange County NC Website
b. Solid Waste Issues <br />County staff are in the process of scheduling a County Commissioner work session this fall that <br />will provide an opportunity for the BOCC to discuss a variety of important topics related to the <br />10 year solid waste management plan, related facilities and services, and along-term financing <br />strategy. In light of actual and anticipated decreases in tipping fee revenue in recent and future <br />years, it is important to ensure that adequate funding is available to continue existing landfill <br />and recycling services, meet debt obligations, and satisfy environmental and legal requirements <br />for both current operations and post-landfill closure. The accompanying memo from Solid <br />Waste Director Gayle Wilson highlights some of the successes and challenges for the Solid <br />Waste Enterprise Fund, and some of the decisions related to potential future facilities (e.g. <br />transfer station, materials recovery or other processing facilities) and alternative financing (e.g. <br />fees) that will be needed in both the short- and long-term. <br />Attachment 7b - 9/24/03 Orange County Solid Waste Management Director Memo <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no direct financial impact associated with discussion of these <br />topics. There are no action items requiring formal Board decisions. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Boards discuss the topics listed <br />and provide appropriate direction to the respective staffs. <br />