Orange County NC Website
a coordinated effort with other North Carolina MPOs, perhaps through <br />NCAMPO); <br />• Negotiating a revision of the statewide PL funding formula with the NCDOT <br />that holds harmless federal planning fund distribution to consolidated MPOs <br />in the event that a consolidated MPO is formed by the jurisdictions in the <br />region (this will require a coordinated effort with other North Carolina MPOs, <br />perhaps through NCAMPO}; <br />• Negotiating increased CAMPO control over the programming of STP urban <br />allocation funds with the NCDOT (this may require a coordinated effort with <br />other North Cazolina MPOs, perhaps through NCAMPO); <br />• Negotiating increased CAMPO influence over the programming of other <br />federal project funds with the NCDOT (this may require a coordinated effort <br />with other North Carolina MPOs, perhaps through NCAMPO); and <br />• Strengthening NCAMPO to levers a the collective voice of the state's MPOs. <br />NCAMPO~_ , 'pate s ` wi ,e policy :. the NCDOT and otherwise <br />work to ddr the:; colle ~ x c cern 'o " ' o Car Ima s MPOs. <br />O`~li'~Mr zb` fo al'4 ~~ ~' bhs dd~, ough s~4 2 tatute or <br />ergo 1 afire ent an, create~o IU, enisms o~~ T ng its <br />aff' ~.~ E ~ ate: c ' ~~ O.. ~ff~~. irectors sho d~'~ ~ ~e ar <br />..~ <br />arts 'i'~ is +'~ ~~ ~~meetings. h~~M should cons' a ~'` ~ bh ° g a <br />b~` nt organizational structure with staff and abudget -, ~ ,. <br />The three optional organizational structures suggested include the following: <br />- Option 1: Formal Regional Coordination and Modified CAMPO Organizational <br />Structure <br />This organizational option envisions numerous changes in the internal and <br />external organizational structure of CAMPO, but maintains the independence of <br />the CAMPO process from that of DCHC. <br />• Formal Regional Coordination -This option envisions a formal organization <br />for coordinating transportation and air quality planning activities between <br />CAMPO, DCHC and neighboring non-MPO jurisdictions such as Johnston <br />and Franklin Counties. <br />• Modified MPO Structure -This option also calls for a modification of the <br />existing CAMPO structure that is based on an equitable redistribution of <br />authority in the decision-making process and a more diverse representation on <br />the Governing Board as well as the technical committee. Additionally, <br />neighboring MPO and non-MPO jurisdictions and major modal providers <br />viii <br />