Orange County NC Website
Document <br />All classroom activities are important and difficult, if not impossible, to replace if missed. It is the <br />intention of the board of education that classes missed be kept to an absolute minimum through close <br />scrutiny and a monitoring system on the part of the principal. The following school-related activities will <br />not be counted as absences from either class or school: <br />• field trips sponsored by the school; <br />• school-initiated and scheduled activities; <br />• athletic events early dismissal from school; or <br />• in-school suspension. <br />Assignments missed for these reasons will be completed by students. The teacher will determine when <br />work is to be made up. The student is responsible for fording out what assignments are due and <br />completing them within the specified time period. <br />D. Excessive Absences <br />Class attendance and participation are critical elements of the educational process and may betaken <br />into account in assessing academic achievement. <br />Pursuant to policy 4410, Enforcement of Compulsory Attendance Laws, the principal will notify <br />parents and take all other steps required by G.S. 115C-378 for excessive absences. <br />Effect of Excessive Absences on Grades: High School Students <br />The high schools have formulated their own class attendance policies dealing with attendance and <br />credit for individual courses. Such school policies shall not be less restrictive than the policy set <br />forth herein for elementary and middle school students. All decisions regarding whether a student's <br />grades should be reduced because of absences will be made in accordance with such policies. <br />Effect of Excessive Absences on Grades: Elementary and Middle School Students <br />All students are required to attend at least 83% of total school days held in the academic year. If a <br />student is absent from school for more than 17% of the school days in a single academic year or <br />semester, the principal or a committee established by the principal will consider whether the <br />student's grades should be reduced or whether promotion or graduation will be denied because of <br />the absences. <br />The principal or committee will review other measures of academic achievement, the circumstances <br />of the absences, the number of absences, and the extent to which the student completed missed <br />work. A committee may recommend to the principal and the principal may make any of the <br />following determinations: <br />• the student will not receive a passing grade for the semester; <br />• the student will not be promoted; <br />• the student's grade will be reduced; <br />• the student will receive the grade otherwise earned; or <br />• the student will be given additional time to complete the missed work before making a <br />determination of the appropriate grade. <br />,nfo&record=(B4B}&softpage=PL_Doc Page 2 of3 <br />