Orange County NC Website
Document <br />In the case of excused absences, any student will be given the opportunity to make up the school <br />work for any missed school days. In the case of unexcused absences, a student may, at the <br />discretion of the teacher in consultation with the principal of each course taken, make up the school <br />work for any missed school days. Any school days for which missed work is satisfactorily <br />completed will be counted toward deterrnining whether a student has attended the minimum <br />requirement of 83% of the total school days held in the academic year. The nature and manner in <br />which the missed school work for any absences can be made up will be determined by the teacher <br />of the course for which the student is enrolled. The teacher will not be unreasonable in the <br />determination of the nature and manner in which such work may be made up. <br />Legal References: G.S. 1 I SC-47, -288(a), -378 to -383 <br />Cross References: Eighteen-Year OId and Emancipated Students (policy 4020 , Enforcement of <br />Compulsory Attendance Law (policy 4410 <br />Document References: High School Policies Regarding Credit for Individual Courses <br />Adopted: November 19, 1998 <br />Revised: February 7, 2002 <br />Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools <br />http:!/{B4B}&softpage=PL_Doc Page3of3 <br />