Orange County NC Website
Attachment <br />-Draft- <br />Energy Conservation Manager <br />Purpose: To provide leadership, analytical, monitoring, coordination and communication <br />support to Orange County's energy and water conservation plans and programs, Reports to the <br />County Manager. <br />Major Functions: <br />1, Tracks and assesses the County's energy and water conservation performance and <br />progress. Builds data collection and analytical tools to accomplish this, For example, <br />analyzes monthly energy use data such as power bills, fuel oil bills and the like. Compares <br />to degree days (to normalize far demand) and tracks the County's energy performance by <br />building, <br />2, Working through the departments involved, identifies and appoints a volunteer building <br />energy representative for each County facility to monitor compliance during normal business <br />hours with energy conservation policies and standards such as those for heating and air <br />conditioning thermostat settings and provide a resource to the building occupants about <br />policies and expectations. Orients the energy representatives in their functions. <br />3, Convenes and coordinates the work of the County's Energy Conservation Task Group, <br />4. Works with the Manager and involved departments, to develop the County's organizational <br />structure and assigned responsibilities for energy conservation, such as designated <br />responsibilities of employees, operating departments, Public Works, County Engineer and <br />others. <br />5. Coordinates the development of recommended County energy policy through discussion <br />and collaboration with the County's Energy Conservation Task Group. <br />6. Plans and coordinates education and communication with departments and employees <br />about the energy conservation program. For example, assures policies are adequately <br />communicated, presents energy conservation information in the County's New Employee <br />Orientation program or the like. <br />7, Conducts spot check after normal business hours energy audits to assess the County's <br />adherence to policies and standards. <br />Maintains awareness of what is the state of the art in energy and water conservation through <br />on-going research such as monitoring web sites and contacts with the State Energy Office. <br />Researches, analyzes and reports on energy conservation concepts and ideas that might <br />yield passible savings or efficiencies, For example, evaluates possible use of photovoltaic <br />lighting to generate lighting from solar energy. In this, analyzes the pros and cons including <br />any required capital investment, operating life cycle and, aver the operating life cycle, <br />expected savings or efficiencies as compared to other alternatives. As another example, <br />facilitates a review with Public Works and others involved of the possible use of geothermal <br />