Orange County NC Website
9 <br />Scenic Views, especially of natural and cultural features from designated <br />scenic road corridors, including views from the road as well as views outward <br />from potential home sites. Landscape buffers which screen the view of <br />development and preserve the character of rural public roads are also included <br />in this category. <br />Pedestrian Access Ways, traversable corridors at least 50 feet wide, <br />undeveloped except for pedestrian recreation amenities, and in common <br />ownership. Pedestrian access ways are not required to have constructed <br />walking paths, but they must be reasonably passable by foot. The final <br />composition of a pedestrian access way should be determined by a case- <br />by-case evaluation of the intent of the overall access plan in the <br />subdivision. When the access ways link active or passive recreation <br />areas, or the access ways themselves are identified as a recreation <br />amenity, a constructed path maybe required. Pedestrian Access Ways <br />may also require landscaping to ensure their compatibility with the <br />natural and scenic goals of open space. <br />Pedestrian Access Ways are not intended to be used to link significant <br />habitat and wildlife open-space sections. Wildlife corridors should be <br />used for this purpose. <br />All access ways must be connected at least once to another type of open <br />space. In a Flexible Subdivision, all existing access ways should, if <br />practicable, be connected into a single system. Flexible Subdivisions <br />should also have at least one access way, when practicable, connect to at <br />least one outside edge of the subdivided property, to maintain the <br />possibility of connected access ways with future, adjacent projects. <br />Roadside Buffers, areas buffering public roads, when they are at least 100 <br />feet in width, measured in one direction from the nearest edge of the <br />road. Roadside buffers must be composed of undisturbed natural <br />vegetation. <br />• Greenbelt Linkages, areas that can be used as part of a connected <br />greenbelt path, within an approved County Greenbelt program. <br />Size and Shape -Whenever possible, Secondary Conservation Areas should <br />be part of substantially sized and/or contiguously linked open space sections <br />and meet guidelines as put forth in Section F.1. <br />vvvvalulll ° ° ° <br />1 ) f <br />111V 111111<~^ ° ° ° ° ° <br />C.4 Access to Open Space <br />