Orange County NC Website
3 <br />Bold Text =Proposed Language; Italic Bold Text =Planning Board Revision <br />= Language Deleted; Underlined Bold Text =County <br />Attorney Revision <br />An Ordinance Amending the Subdivision Regulations of Orange County <br />Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Orange, North Carolina, <br />that the Subdivision Regulations are hereby amended as follows: <br />(page 27) Amend Section IV-B-3 (Streets) subsection IV-B-3-b. of the Orange County, <br />NC Subdivision Regulations to read as follows: <br />*IV-B-3-b. <br />*Amended <br />10/16/90 <br />(eff. 12/3/90) <br />11/19/01 All subdivisions shall have a coordinated street system with public or <br />private streets that access a public, municipal street or a public, State <br />maintained street. AID Major subdivisions shall directly access a <br />paved public, municipal street or a paved public, State-maintained <br />road, with the exception that a major subdivision of 6 to 72 lots may <br />take direct access from an unpaved public road provided the <br />subdivision otherwise meets qualifications for private roads in the <br />subdivision. <br />A coordinated street system shall consider the following: <br />(a) Public street rights-of-way shall abut adjacent properties as <br />necessary to provide connectivity to the countywide transportation <br />network; and <br />(b) Lot access to streets serving the subdivision shall be limited in the <br />case of streets that provide a link between two or more roads <br />designated in the Comprehensive Plan as arterials or collectors. <br />All subdivisions shall have at least one street which intersects with or joins <br />a public, municipal street, or a public, State maintained street. <br />