Orange County NC Website
Budget for fiscal year 2003-04 <br />The County budget for fiscal year 2003-04 provides funding for up to a 20 percent health <br />insurance increase effective January 1, 2004. In dollars, this is about $376,000 budgeted for <br />the projected increase. <br />Based on the quoted renewal rates for 2004, the cost of the County contribution for <br />individual coverage and dependent coverage are within the amount budgeted for health <br />insurance for 2003-04. The estimated budget savings yielded by the actual renewal rates <br />quoted over the amount budgeted in fiscal year 2003-04 are about $110,000. <br />Sole Provider Option <br />The County also requested the NCACC Trust provide a "sole provider" quote for the Blue Cross <br />Plans through the Trust. If the County enters into a sole provider contract, this would mean <br />discontinuing the current CIGNA plan effective January 1, 2004 and offering only the Blue <br />Cross Plans. Employees enrolled in CIGNA would have to change to either the Blue Cross <br />Blue Care Plan or the Blue Cross Blue Options Plan effective January 1, 2004. <br />For the sole provider option, the NCACC Trust quoted rates indicating a 3 percent cost <br />reduction in the renewal rates quoted for the Blue Cross Blue Care and Blue Options Plans. It <br />is estimated this would yield a savings of about $55,000 in 2003-04 over the regular renewal <br />quoted or about $94,000 on an annual basis. <br />The Manager's recommendation provides for continuation of the CIGNA plan for 2004. This is <br />based on the employee interest in maintaining choice in health insurance plans, the fact that <br />once the County eliminates CIGNA it will not be able to restore that or another plan under the <br />NCACC Trust's contract requirements and the fact that the three percent cost savings quoted <br />for this year is a relatively small given the size of the County's health insurance contract. <br />Next Steps <br />With the Board's approval of the heath insurance renewal and rates, staff will proceed to <br />develop the employee open enrollment packets, distribute these to employees in early October, <br />hold the open enrollment period from October 10 through November 7 with the Benefits and <br />Wellness Fair tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, October 22. The deadline for employees <br />to submit any change forms to Personnel will be Friday, November 7.. Payroll deductions at the <br />new rates will begin in the pay period beginning November 24 for coverage effective January 1, <br />2004. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: As noted, the County budget for 2003-04 provides funding for up to a 20 <br />percent health insurance cost increase - or about $376,000. Attachment 2 shows the current <br />costs for health insurance and the projected costs for renewal of the current plans or renewal <br />with the Trust as the County's sole provider. Both options are within the amount budgeted. <br />• The 2003-04 cost increase for the renewal of the current plans is about $266,282. This is <br />about $110,000 less in cost than the amount budgeted. <br />• Renewal with the sole provider option is about a $211,373 cost increase for 2003-04. This <br />is about $165,000 less than the amount budgeted. <br />