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Therefore, the sponsorship request is a new funding request presented for the Board's formal <br />consideration. Race sponsors are typically lined up in the summer months preceding the event <br />and the request to the County came in mid-July (in writing) and on August 19 (in person at the <br />first BOCC meeting following the summer break). Sponsors already identified include UNC <br />Hospitals, Carol Woods, and Fox 50. Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools sponsors the race/walk <br />by providing the McDougle School in kind as the location. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The Budget staff has examined the request and has proposed as a first <br />option covering the $5,000 request from monies already appropriated within the "Culture and <br />Recreation" function of the General Fund budget. Additional options would be from within the <br />Economic Development budget associated with the 250th celebration (in that the race/walk can <br />be seen as a complementary event), or from the human services safety net reserve. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board ratify staff plans to make <br />a $5,000 payment to EI Centro Latino to sponsor the race/walk from appropriations already in <br />place in the "Culture and Recreation" function of the 2003-04 operating budget. If the Board <br />wishes to pursue a different course of action, the Manager recommends that the Board provide <br />appropriate direction to staff. <br />