Agenda - 10-18-2005-9a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-18-2005
Agenda - 10-18-2005-9a
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9/2/2008 2:15:40 AM
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8/29/2008 10:51:18 AM
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Statement of Charge to the M.A.P. Task Force <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners has authorized the formation of a team of <br />individuals, from the public and private community, to update the Master Aging Plan <br />(M.A,P.) which will provide a comprehensive and coordinated delivery of community <br />services to senior citizens who have different levels of functional capacity, To complete <br />this task, a Task Force comprised of a Steering Committee and tlrree Functional <br />Subcommittees (the term of membership is from October, 2005 thru May 2006) is <br />being submitted to the Board of County Commissioners for review. Ms. Florence Soltys <br />and Pat Sprigg will serve as Co-chairs of the M.A.P. Task Force and staff assistance will <br />be provided by Jerry Passmore (Director, Orange County Department on Aging) and <br />Ellen Ozier-Hayes (MSW intern) <br />The Advisory Board on Aging will be responsible for monitoring the approved plan and <br />will submit annual updates to the BOCC in January-February of each year. <br />The charge to be given to each of the committee/subcommittees is: <br />I. Steering Committee Charge: <br />^ To establish the overall goals and objectives for each subcommittee, <br />^ To present the goals and objectives to the BOCC. for review and approval, <br />^ To develop and implement the process by which the M.A.P. will be <br />developed, <br />^ To establish the guiding principles to which the M,A.P. team will adhere. <br />^ To monitor the work of the functional subcommittees and provide feedback <br />and direction as necessary. <br />To hold public forums to garner feedback from the community and <br />policymakers <br />To approve the work of the functional subcommittees and submit it to the <br />BOCC for review and approval: <br />^ List of prioritized issues <br />Strategies and accompanying objectives <br />^ Draft strategic plan (complete with a set of prioritized plan <br />elements and approximate costs) <br />^ Final M.A.P. <br />To update the Orange County Board of County Commissioners on the status <br />of the M.A.P. project.: <br />To review and recommend approval of the final M.A.P. proposal prior' to its <br />submission to the BOCG <br />IL Functional Subcommittee Charge: (this charge applies to all three <br />subconznzittees, as it relates to their particular, fia:ctional population) <br />^ To identify the issues relevant to their assigned functional population, <br />- based on their own expertise and experience <br />- based upon objective data provided through an environmental scan <br />- based on feedback from community members <br />^ To research relevant issues through the use of focus groups, constituent group <br />member feedback, interviews (when possible). <br />
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