Orange County NC Website
The Brown property has many conservation values which will receive permanent protection <br />via the conservation easement. Those values include significant wildlife habitat associated <br />with the New Hope Creek corridor and recognized by the Orange County Comprehensive <br />Plan. The property also includes a segment of a riparian trail corridor, which receives heavy <br />recreational use by citizens of both Orange and Durham counties. <br />ERCD Staff has worked with the TLC and the Brown family to craft an easement that meets <br />the family's needs and the County's interests. The easement would cover 1.2 acres located <br />adjacent to New Hope Creek and Erwin Road. Future development rights would be <br />relinquished through the easement, with the exception of the public trail and a few other <br />minor improvements as denoted in the easement. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The Triangle Land Conservancy will purchase the conservation <br />easement and then convey the easement to Orange County. Orange County (ERCD) will <br />assume the task of monitoring the property on an annual basis and helping to enforce the <br />development restrictions. Orange County may need to pay some transaction costs estimated <br />to be less than $1,000, which would be paid from the Lands Legacy Fund. <br />RECOMMENDATION: The Manager recommends that the Board adopt the resolution <br />approving the acceptance of the conservation easement conveyance and authorize the Chair <br />to sign the easement, subject to final review by staff and County Attorney. <br />