Orange County NC Website
~~~~ 14 <br />NORTII CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT ON <br />PETITION FOR ROAD ADDITION 5EP 23 ?.002 <br />FORM SR-I REVISED 1-9 <br />N. D. DEPT. CF THhf;:,PORTAT)ON <br />DI4iSIG~`J CF HISHt'aAYS <br />ROADWAY INFORMATION: (Please Print) DISTRICT 1•GRAHAM <br />County: Orange Road Name: Fews Ford Lane <br />(Please Iist additional stmt names end lengths on the back of this form ) <br />Subdivision Name: Eno Woods Length (miles)-0.06 [300 fee <br />Number of occupied homes having street frontage: <br />Location: 0.4 miles N S E W of the intersection of Route SR1401 and Route SR1449 <br />(Circle one) (SR, NC or US) (SR NC or US) <br />We, the undersigned, being property owners ead/eFdeveleper of Eno Woods Subdivision in <br />Orange County, do hereby request the Division of Highways to add the above described road. <br />CONTACT PERSON: Name and Address of First Pe66oner. (Please Print) <br />Name: Tony Whitaker Phone Number. (919) 309-1350 - <br />Street Address: 3712 Fews Ford Lane, Durham NC 27712 <br />Mailing Address: <br />NAME <br />3712 Fews Ford Lane, Durham NC 27712 <br />PROPERTY OWNERS <br />MAILING ADDRESS ~ , <br />TELEPHONE <br />Fews Ford Lane. Durham NC 27712 <br />19) 309-1350 <br />R nberr and Am;t• s,~tt 3711 Fews Ford Lane, Durham NC 27712 (919) 309-1507 <br />