Orange County NC Website
NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTA '10 <br />PETITION FOR ROAD ADDITION SEP 23 2002 <br />FORM SR~-I REVISED 1-9 <br />IV. C. DEPT, OF TRAPdSPORTATIOt~ <br />ROADWAY INFORMATION: (Pleaze Print) DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS <br />DISTRICT 1-CRAHAb) <br />County: Orange Road Name: ^ 0 c'-''- "'' " ~g3ge 7 Hf ?) <br />(Please list additional stmt names end lengths on the back of this form J <br />Subdivision Name: Eno Woods Length(miles):0.46 (2420 feetl <br />Number of occupied homes having street frontage: 7 <br />Location: n - 07 5 miles N S E W of the intersection of Route ~~) d01 and Route' cu iii g <br />(Circle one) (SR NC or US) (SR NC or US) <br />We, the undersigned, being property owners mtdfcmrleaelaper of Eno Woods Subdivision in <br />Orange -County, do hereby request the Division of Highways to add the above described road. <br />CONTACT PERSON: Name and Address of First Petitioner. (Please Print) <br />Name: Tony Whitaker Phone Number: (919) 309-1350 _ __ _ <br />Street Address: 3712 Fews Ford Lane Durham NC 27712 <br />Mailing Address: 3712 Fews Ford Lane Durham NC 27712 <br />PROPERTY OWNERS <br />NAME ~ MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE <br />s Trail, Durham NC 27712 _(919) 384-9498 <br />Vale ie and Louis Olszvk 4925 Eno Woods Trail Durham NC 27712 (919) 3u9-/iuv <br />