Agenda - 09-02-2003-9c2
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-02-2003
Agenda - 09-02-2003-9c2
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INS <br />Page 1 of 1 Beverly Payne -Betts <br />VOLUNTEER APPLICATION <br />ORANGE COUNTY ADVISORY BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS <br />If you are an Orange County resident, at least 18 years old, and willing to volunteer your time and <br />expertise to your community, please complete and submit this form. <br />Name: <br />Home Address: <br />Phone: (Day) <br />Phone: (Evening) <br />Fax: <br />Email: <br />Place of Employment: <br />Job Title: <br />Township of Residence: <br />Zone of Residence: <br />Sex: <br />Ethnic Background: <br />Date of Birth: <br />Mrs. Beverly Payne -Betts <br />517 Latimer Street <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />919 - 966 -3010 <br />919- 732 -5636 <br />919- 966 -7463 <br />Beverly_Payne and paynebetts <br />University of North Cartolina at Chapel Hill <br />Processing Assistant V <br />Hillsborough <br />Does not apply <br />Female <br />Native American <br />03/16/1955 <br />Please list (in order of preference) the Boards /Commissions on which you would be willing to serve: <br />...1. Human Relations Commission 2. 3. <br />WORK EXPERIENCE: 1989 - Present Employed by UNC -CH. Work with the National Early Childhood Technical <br />Assistance Center (NECTAC), which is Federally funded and the North Carolina Technical Assistant Project (NCTAP). <br />As a Processing Assistant I perform such duties as, data entry, make overheads using PowerPoint, manage several <br />listservs, file, answer phones, manage the caring events for NECTAC, designed and update the "North Carolina Preschol <br />Services for Children with Disabilities: A Profile of Local Educational Agency Programs and Practices" annually. Fill -out <br />travel forms for reimbursements for supervisors, and consultants, fill out purchase and payment request. Purchase all <br />supplies needed for the NC grant, make arrangements to facilitate the Annual Preschool Coordinators meeting, make <br />copies, stuff packets, perform mailouts for both projects. In fact I travel with both projects to help facilitate off -site <br />meetings. Am responsible for the NECTAC Organizational Chart using PageMaker, use Illistrator to make mapes for the <br />Profile. 1975 -1986 Worked at Hillsborough Textiles also known as Falk, Fiber and Fabrics and Saratoga Mills. My title <br />was Production Clerk where typed Dye Orders, and added the production once the orders were filled. Moved up to <br />Technical Assistant where I de- knitted fabrics to copy the design to make for out plant to knit. I also answered phones, <br />made copies, and filed. Twice a year we had to take inventory. <br />VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE: Early 1990s I was a "Big Sister" for Volunteers for Youth in Carrboro. Mid 1990 I set on <br />the Occaneechee Mountain Board in Hillsboroug In high school I was a 4 -H Leader In high school for extra credits and as <br />an elective class I volunteered and worked for Mrs. McAdoo at CW Stanford Jr. High with the special needs class. <br />EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1973 Graduated from Orange High School 1974 Graduated from Kings College Have <br />taken several hands -on computer courses here on campus including Americal Sign Language <br />OTHER COMMENTS: <br />How did you become aware of Orange County volunteer opportunities? <br />Current Orange County Volunteer. If Other, how? By submitting electronic application, applicant agrees to Ethics <br />Guidelines and agrees to attend three -hour orientation. This form was submitted online, on 2/28/03 12:14:35 PM <br />
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