Orange County NC Website
This space for office use only <br />7/12/02 Page 1 of 1 Jean Eno <br />VOLUNTEER APPLICATION <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS <br />If you are an Orange County resident, at least 18 years old, and willing to volunteer your time and <br />expertise to your community, please complete this application and return to: <br />Orange County Commissioners' Office <br />P.O. Box 8181 <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />Phone (919) 245 -2125; 688 -7331; 227 -3031 FX (919) 644 -0246 <br />NAME: --------------------------- - - - - -- Jean Eno <br />HOME ADDRESS: ------------ - - - - -- 2926 Canter Drive <br />CITY: -------------------------- -------- Hillsborough <br />STATE: -------------------------- - - - - -- NC <br />ZIP CODE: --------------------- - - - - -- 27278 <br />TELEPHONE: (Home) -------- - - - - -- 919 - 643 -0466 <br />TELEPHONE: (Work) --------------- <br />TELEPHONE: (FAX) --------------- - <br />EMAIL: --- — ----------- ---------------- JCENOIPLAY <br />PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT: - - - - -- Retired <br />JOB TITLE: --------------------- - <br />- - - -- Teacher <br />TOWNSHIP OF RESIDENCE: <br />- -- Little River <br />ZONE OF RESIDENCE: ----- - - - - -- Does not apply <br />SEX: ------------------------------ - <br />- - - -- Female <br />ETHNIC BACKGROUND: -- - - - - -- Caucasian <br />DATE OF BIRTH: -------------- - - - - -- 11 -11 -40 <br />LIST, IN PREFERENCE, THE BOARDS /COMMISSIONS ON WHICH YOU WOULD BE WILLING <br />TO SERVE: 1: ---------------- - - - - -- Agricultural Preservation Commission <br />2.- - - - - -- Human Relations Commission 3. ---------------- - - - - -- Commission for Women <br />Please list work, volunteer and educational experience. <br />WORK EXPERIENCE: Retired teacher. Small farm ower. <br />VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE: Docent at various historical places; worked with children; was a <br />wildlife rehabilitator of over 12 years; was a fill -in at the volunteer program in hospital. <br />EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE: BA in English Literature; MA in Elementary Education (K -8) <br />with a minor in English Literature, 75 credits over masters in various courses dealing with <br />functioning of people, problems and growth in children through the teen years, relationships. <br />OTHER COMMENTS: I am now retired and have what I call a mini farm. Having come from a <br />very populated area as New York, experiencing my youth on my grandfather's farm, I want to see <br />preservation rather than destruction to a very important way of life. I am also very concerned with <br />women's place in our society, abilities to cope and human relations. <br />How did you become aware of Orange County volunteer opportunities? List all that apply: <br />Newspaper. If other, how? By submitting electronic application, applicant agrees to Ethics <br />