Agenda - 09-02-2003-9a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-02-2003
Agenda - 09-02-2003-9a
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8/29/2008 10:50:52 AM
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3 <br />REVISED 09/02/03 <br />capital equipment funds, the cost of which can either be absorbed by the operator or passed on <br />to its customers. <br />Sets forth the County's option to approve an operating expense support fee for PEG <br />Access of up to a maximum of $2.00 per month per subscriber. <br />Under this provision, the Board would have the opportunity, if it chose, to have the grantee <br />collect a monthly fee from its customers that would be used to contract with a non profit such as <br />The People's Channel, as does the Town of Chapel Hill, to provide pubic access television <br />programs. Time Warner has been disinclined to include any subscriber "pass through" fee in an <br />Orange County franchise agreement. <br />.FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial cost to the County for the implementation of this <br />franchise agreement. Cable franchise revenues are calculated as an "annual fee of five percent <br />(5°/a) of the grantee's gross revenues". The proposed agreement does not adversely affect <br />future franchise fee revenues. In Fiscal Year 2002-03, Orange County received a total of <br />$223,447 in franchise fees from Time Warner Cable; a cost it has passed on to its customers <br />since 1993. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board: <br />1) .Approve the first reading of the Cable Television Franchise Ordinance as proposed by the <br />negotiating team and approved by the Cable Advisory Committee. A second reading and <br />formal adoption of the cable television franchise ordinance would then be scheduled for the <br />Board next meeting on September 16tH <br />The County Attorney has advised that the Board may elect to conduct a public hearing before it <br />takes action on the second reading of the ordinance. If the Board elects to do so, the <br />procedure on September 16~' would be to conduct a public hearing first, and then consider <br />second reading with possible adoption of the ordinance/agreement as the following step. <br />2ZAppoint a special technical consulting committee to review and provide recommendations to <br />the Board on a video production plan to equip both meeting rooms - Hillsborough and Chapel <br />Hill -for live public telecasts. <br />
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