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14 <br />4. To maintain all receipts for expenditures made with CERT grant funds, which <br />expenditures may be audited within three (3) yeazs of the date of the subgrant. <br />5. To provide NCEM written or electronic-mail reports on or before October 15, <br />2003, and January 15, 2004. These reports shall contain the following information: <br />i. Number of citizens being trained and having completed training within the 3- <br />month period preceding the report, i.e., the October 15 reporting period shall <br />contain activities for July 1 -September 30; the January 15, 2004 reporting <br />period shall contain activities for October 1 -December 30, 2003. "Training" <br />means classes conducted in accordance with the curriculum developed and <br />disseminated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Any other <br />training, speeches, meetings, etc., pertaining to the CERT program shall be <br />reported under the category "Other Training Conducted." <br />ii. If "in-house" CERT train-the-trainer courses aze :held, the number of emergency <br />responders and/or citizens trained as instructors. <br />iii. Amount of grant funds spent or committed to be spent to date. <br />iv. Concerns regarding use of the grant allocation or meeting training goals. <br />Include any suggested remedies. <br />v. Examples of emergency and non-emergency uses of CERT in the community. <br />6. ~ To submit to the CERT Program Manager rosters of all CERT training conducted, <br />including "in-house" train-the-trainers, which rosters shall include the students' <br />names, addresses, social security numbers and if available, a-mail addresses. <br />7. To list the local CERT program(s), including the. number of teams, on the "CERT <br />State Directory" at FEMA's web site: . <br />8. That failure on the part of subgrantee to comply with any of the above requirements <br />may result in the return of any unspent subgrant funds. <br />