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9 <br />station located on the portion of the property on the east side of NC 86 (purchased solely to <br />accommodate the expanded wastewater treatment system). It was readily apparent that the <br />flow control/wastewater storage pump station, the pre-treatment unit, the dosing pump station <br />(providing flow control and pressure for the wastewater being discharged to the nitrification <br />field) and the nitrification field would be best located together for operational efficacy. <br />Furthermore, we determined that it would be advisable to locate those treatment units where <br />the consequences of a system malfunction (possibly entailing a wastewater spill) could be <br />isolated at a point remote from the playground area for the facility's daycare population (as <br />well as others involved in recreational and outdoor use of the facility). Lastly, we determined <br />that this type of design layout would provide for the prolonged operation of the existing <br />wastewater system with minimal interruption of activities at NHSC and of the service provided <br />by the existing treatment system. <br />The BOCC has recently approved the award of a contract to a surveying consultant for the <br />entire NHSC and park complex. The contract itself has not yet been finalized and a notice to <br />proceed has not yet been issued. The consultant's proposal has indicated that the time frame <br />for all work covered by the contract will require approximately 60 days to complete. <br />Environmental Health staff have scheduled the detailed soils investigation for late September <br />and submission of the first phase of permitting documentation (as relates to soil types, site <br />wastewater flow absorption capacity, etc.,) by mid-October. During that same time frame, <br />Engineering staff will be preparing the generic portions of the construction documentation (that <br />portion not related to actual specific design parameters such as pump pressures, percent <br />recirculation, etc.,) during the same time frame. The process of designing the actual layout of <br />the distribution lines in the nitrification fields, new septic tanks and other treatment <br />components cannot be initiated until the survey field data (locations, topography, property <br />lines, etc.) are in hand. Assuming this data is in hand by the first of November, the remainder <br />of system design, permitting, bidding, contract award, etc., should be complete in time to <br />coincide with the optimum construction season (mid-spring, 2004). Depending on the time <br />frame required for equipment (pumps, instrumentation, controls), the system should be <br />completed by late summer or early fall 2004. This, of course, assumes that the information <br />about grant funding (and a definitive decision related to the suitability/efficacy) for "Living <br />Machine" or similar innovative pretreatment technology is available by early November. <br />Delays in the decision to use either "Living Machine" type or more conventional pre-treatment <br />technology beyond mid-November will proportionately delay the ultimate completion of the <br />project. <br />If I may provide additional information or clarification about projected timetables, wastewater <br />treatment technologies, etc., at this time, please advise. <br />