Orange County NC Website
3 <br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Board of County Commissioners <br />THROUGH: John Link, County Manager <br />FROM: Gwen Harvey, Assistant County Manager <br />COPIES: Members, Northern Human Services Center Task Force <br />DATE: August 25, 2003 <br />SUBJECT: Northern Human Services Center: Update to the Proposed <br />Development Action Plan <br />The purpose of this memorandum is to provide an update on the tasks and timelines <br />associated with proposed renovations at the Northern Human Services Center in Cedar <br />Grove. Please let me know should additional information be needed. <br />Background <br />The Northern Human Services Center Task Force comprised of two BOCC members, <br />Chair Brown and Commissioner Halkiotis, and County staff from the departments of <br />ERCD, Information Systems, Library, Planning, Public Health (Envirorunental Health), <br />Public Works, Purchasing, Recreation and Parks, and the County Manager's Office met <br />on two occasions last spring -April 8 and May 8 - to review various elements in the <br />proposed renovation of the Northern Human Services Center. <br />A needed precursor to major upgrades at the Center was the purchase of property to <br />provide for a new wastewater system. On May 6th, the BOCC took. action to approve the <br />purchase of a 12.2-acre parcel located along NC 86 North, across from the Center. <br />Closing on the property remains imminent. <br />On June 6 the BOCC approved a process for planning and designing the park <br />property - a total of 48 acres - at the Northern site. The park development is actually a <br />separate but related project funded by the 2001 Parks Bond in the amount of $1.2 million. <br />Park planning with community input will build upon an existing ball field and <br />playground. It has been proposed that "Northern Human Services Center Park" be used as <br />a working title during the planning phase. Park planning can proceed for the most part <br />independent of decisions about the building renovation. <br />Septic System -Alternative and Conventional <br />On May 6, the BOCC authorized a contract with Innovative Designs for analysis of septic <br />system options ("The Living Machine" or a similar technology) in comparison to <br />