Orange County NC Website
<br />The Board will consider amending the Orange County Classification and Pay Plan by adding the <br />new class of Conservation Technician at Salary Grade 12. The salary range for Salary Grade 12 is <br />$28,367 - $45,349. <br />e. Acceptance of Grant for Citizen Corps Council Establishment and Recruitment <br />The Board will consider formally accepting federal pass-through grant funds in the amount of <br />$2,500 awarded through the Ofi"ice of the Governor to establish a Citizen Corps Council for Orange <br />County and to develop emergency preparedness informational materials; and authorize the <br />Emergency h'Ianagernent Director to sign the grant guidelines and grant related materials; and <br />authorize the Emergency Management Specialist to be the point of contact for the program. <br />f. Acceptance of Grant to Establish a Community Emergency Response Team Progi am <br />withui the County <br />The Board will consider accepting a federal grant in the amount of $10,000 to establish a <br />Community Emergency Response Team {CERT} program within Orange County; and authorize the <br />Emergency Management Director to sign the lUlemorandum of Understanding, and allow the <br />Emergency Management Specialist to be designated as the point of contact for the program. <br />g. Housing Rehabilitation Contract Award <br />The Board will consider awarding one housing rehabilitation contract for the CDBU Housing <br />Rehabilitation Program; to Triple J Construction for $27,677 at Dwelling Unit, 523 ~?Vatson Rd., <br />Efland. <br />h. Bid Award: Cra~s~ler Dozer for Orange County Landfill <br />The Board will consider awarding a bid to Gregory Poole of Raleigh, NC for a Crawler Dozer for <br />the Orange County Landfill, bid number 246 at a delivered cost of $308,451; and authorize the <br />Purchasing Director to execute the necessary paperwork; and authorize the Finance Director to <br />solicit and execute all administrative action and documents associated with completing an <br />appropriate installment financing agreement for this equipment with a local financial institution. <br />i. Budget Amendment #2 <br />The Board will consider approving budget ordinance amendments for fiscal year 2003-04. <br />j. Contract Extension with the APS for Operation of the Orange Coiuit_y Animal Shelter <br />The Board will consider authorizing continuation of the current contract with the Animal Protection <br />Society (APS} for operation of the Orange County Animal Shelter until such time as the Board of <br />County Commissioners elects otherwise, acknowledging that this action shall extend the subject <br />contract through, at minimum, October 31, 2003; and authorize the County Manager to provide <br />written notice to APS of the renewal of the contract with APS as provided in the contract addendum <br />Until further action by the Board. <br />9. ITEMS FOR DECISION--REGULAR AGENDA <br />a. First Readuig -Ordinance Granting Franchise to Time ~~- arner Entertainment/Aclvance- <br />Nei~vhouse Partnership, to O-~~n, Operate and Maintain Cable System in Unuicorporated <br />Orange County (9:35-9:55) <br />The Board will review and consider approval of the first reading of a cable franchise renewal <br />ordinance (agreement} with Time y~Varner Entertainment/Advance-Newhouse Partnership, as <br />recommended by the Orange County Cable Advisory Committee, in conjunction with the Triangle J <br />Cable Consortium consultant collaborative; and consider a second reading and formal adoption of <br />the cable television franchise ordinance be scheduled for the Board's next meeting on September <br />16tH <br />b. Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce -Council on a Sustainable Community <br />(9:55-1():05) <br />The Board will consider appointing a County Commissioner or other appropriate representative to <br />