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will be conducted using that system. Emergency Management staff has queried other <br />department heads with responsibilities delineated in the Multi- hazard plan and determined that <br />training is one of the most pressing needs at this time. <br />In response to the Board's request, staff from the Board of Commissioners' office and <br />Emergency Management have developed a quick reference card (attached), which includes <br />information on sheltering, preparedness kits, and evacuation for residents of Orange County. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Financial impacts for preparedness efforts are on -going and part of the <br />normal operating budget. The quality of preparedness outreach efforts are contingent upon <br />funding for staff, supplies, and ,materials that have been solely grant funded since 2001. <br />Planning expenses are offset by the Emergency Management Performance Grants (EMPG) <br />that have historically provided at least 50% funding for the Emergency Management Specialist <br />position. Since 2002, the EMPG has funded approximately 90% of the position due to <br />increased appropriations by Congress. The Emergency Management Specialist position, <br />though, must complete the requirements imposed by the EMPG before working on County <br />needs. <br />Training for departments having emergency responsibilities will have a financial impact yet to be <br />determined. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board receive the report and <br />provide appropriate feedback and direction to staff. <br />