Orange County NC Website
Manager to sign the Memorandum of Agreement; and authorize the Chair to sign Annex A, <br />accepting all portions of the grant award; and Authorize the Manager to identify Nick Waters, <br />Director of Emergency Management, as the Designated Agent under Annex B; and <br />Authorize the Manager to identify Eric Griffin, Emergency Management Specialist, as the <br />Point of Contact under Annex B. <br />t. Proposal Award/Contract Approval: CTIP Update Consultant <br />The Board will consider awarding a proposal and approving a contract with Wilbur Smith <br />Associates {WSA} to update the County's Community Transportation Improvement Plan <br />{CTIP}; and authorize the Purchasing Director to work with the consultant and C?PT staff to <br />finalize terms of an agreement; and authorize the Chair to sign the resulting agreement on <br />behalf of the Board; and endorse the Steering Team members as indicated; and appoint <br />Commissioners Alice Gordan and Barry Jacobs to represent the Board's interests during the <br />Steering Team meetings with the consultants. <br />u. Change in BOCC Regular Meeting Schedule <br />The Board will consider 5 changes in the County Commissioners' regular meeting <br />calendar far the year 2003. <br />9. ITEMS FOR DECISION -REGULAR AGENDA <br />a. Proposed Addenda to Interlocal Agreement on CHCCS High School #3 <br />The Board will discuss 2 addenda, proposed by the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Board of <br />Education, to the interlocal agreement that became effective on August 7,2003 regarding the <br />planned third Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools (CHCCS) high school and provide <br />appropriate direction to the Manager and staff. <br />10. REPORTS <br />11. CLOSED SESSION <br />a. "To discuss the County's position and to instruct the County nZanager and County <br />Attorney on the negotiating position regarding the terms of a contract to purchase real property," <br />NCGS § 143-318.11(a)(~. <br />12. ADJOURNMENT <br />4 <br />