Orange County NC Website
A v ' <br />zz <br />FOR OFFICE USE ONLY <br />°~~~ o z . a z ~ - CJes L~,~ <br />/ P <br />. EDUCATION: ~ ~~9G'Yt~' UhiyQt3~''i ~1.15{~ F p~ p~l~`~i`cgl M911R,~G~Ui~ih,4 B~~c/ VR Maya <br />q~ GI11iYt?iSi~'Sl. BfF fn l~MP~r,'can Sf~aCes' ~W;hga~e,NG <br />OTHER COMMENTS: CoM~?iA~r 5 ki I~5 ~ DaS, W~AdpwS Yj; W~dS' ~g I+~gc,~ h~1~/orcJ A~/ewafK: <br />A-CCesS, EXct~l~ HfMI. Aa9~_Ni~~~, Nd~S'utPe. i~xPlo~er, Wrr1~'Spghi s~ oho.. <br />~~cw/: A~r~`~~n fled CrvS,S GPR cerfi{ic-a~h`~n ~D00 ~200~. <br />How did y u become.awrare of Orange County volunteer opportunities? (Please check ap that <br />apply): -19"Nevvspaper D County Web Page D Current Orange County Volunteer . <br />D Radio D T.V. d Other <br />ETHICS GUIDELINES FOR <br />COUNTY ADVISORY BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS <br />1 agree by. my signature below that, if appointed, I pledge to comply with the following ethics guideGnesfor - <br />advisoryboards and comm~sions as adopted by the Orange County Board of Commissioners. <br />Members of advisory boards and commissions shall not discuss, advocate, or vote on any matter in <br />whii:h. they~fiave a conflict ar potential confliict of interest or an interest.which reasonably might appear <br />to be in conflict with the concept of fairness in dealing with public business. A conflict of, interest or a <br />potential wnflict occurs if a•member has a separete, private, or monetary interest, e'~ttrer direct or <br />indirect, in- any issue or transaction underconsideration.- Any member who violafies this provision may <br />be subject tQ removal from the board or commission. <br />if an.advisory board or commission member beCeves he/she has a conflict or potential conflict of - <br />interest on a particular issue, then that member should state this belief to the other members of hismer <br />respective advisory board or commission during ttie board or ~mmission's public meeting. The <br />member should state tt~e nature of the conflict; -detailing that helshe-tias a separate, private, -or ~_ <br />monetary interest, e.'dher direct or indirect, in the issue or transaction under consideration. The <br />member should then excuse himselfherself Pram considering and voting on the matter. !n eases <br />where an advisory board or commission member~declares a conflict or potential conflict of it>tterest, the <br />member shall eia:use h'unself/herself from the board tabielvoting area ur>til all d'rscussfon, <br />consideratign, and voting is compietied on the matter in question: <br />Any advisory board or camrnission member having questions or needing assistance regaitiing the <br />Interpretation of these ethics guidelines or other conflict of IMatest matters should contact the <br />administrative staff for the respective board or commission. Staff Hn'U assist the memberwith - <br />questions and interpretations and may provide a recommendation on whether or~not the advisory <br />- board or commission member should exwse himself/tierielf from voting. The member riiay request <br />that the staff respond In writing. ,:Staff may contact the County Manager fnr any additional assistance. <br />If appointed, I agree to atberid a three-hour orientation which ~nn'll give an overview of how Orange County <br />Government operates and its relationship to other governmental uniffi. <br />~~~r ~'~ ,~~- o~ r5 oa <br />Signature Data <br />