Orange County NC Website
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />A public hearing will be held in the Judge F. Gordon Battle Superior Courtroom of the <br />New Orange County Courthouse, 106 E. Margaret Lane, Hillsborough, North Carolina, on <br />Monday, August 25, 2003, at 7:30 PM for the purpose of giving all interested citizens an <br />opportunity to speak for or against the following items: <br />A. ORANGE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE <br />1. Amend Article 8 to create a special use permit process that sets special use <br />standards and locational criteria for subdivision size (number of lots) based <br />on zoning district. <br />Proposed major subdivisions in the Agricultural Residential (AR), Rural <br />Residential (R1) outside 10-20 Year Comprehensive Plan Transition Areas, <br />and Rural Buffer (RB) zoning districts would be processed as follows: <br />• 6 -12 lots, approval by the Planning Board; <br />• 13 - 20 lots, approval by the Board of County Commissioners with a <br />special use permit; and <br />• 21 or more lots, approval as a planned development zoning <br />amendment by the Board of County Commissioners. <br />Proposed major subdivisions in the R1 zoning district inside 10-20 Year <br />Comprehensive Plan Transition Areas would be processed as follows: <br />• 6 - 20 lots, approval by the Planning Board; <br />• 21 - 79 lots approval by the Board of County Commissioners with a <br />special use permit; and <br />• 80 or more lots, approval as a planned development zoning <br />amendment by the Board of County Commissioners. <br />Purpose: To more effectively mitigate the impacts of large residential <br />developments occurring in the County's planning jurisdiction through a <br />combination of locational and threshold criteria designed to encourage major <br />subdivisions near areas with urban infrastructure potential. <br />2. Zoning ordinance text amendments to Article 6.29.3 of the Orange County <br />Zoning Ordinance (Economic Development Districts Design Manual). <br />Amend the Permitted Use Table and development area description to: <br />a. Scrivener's change, "Class A Special Use" to "Class B Special Use" <br />when referring to special uses approved by the Board of Adjustment; <br />b. Add "School, elementary, middle, and high" to the I-85/Buckhorn Road <br />column as a use permitted within the existing Primary Development Area <br />with the approval of a planned development (PD) and Class A special use <br />permit anal describe change within development area text. <br />