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Draft completed by Staff 6/04/03 ~- <br />Revised 6/25/03 <br />15.2.2 Service Levels. <br />(a) This section describes the service levels regarded as adequate by the <br />parties to the MOUs with respect to public school facilities. <br />(b) As provided in the MOUs, adequate service levels for public schools shall <br />be deemed to exist with respect to a proposed new residential development if, given the <br />number of school age children projected to reside in that development, and considering <br />all the factors listed in the MOUs, projected school membership for the elementary <br />schools, the middle schools, and the high schools within the School District will not <br />exceed the following percentages of the building capacities of each of the following three <br />school levels: <br />elementary school level 105% <br />middle school level 107% <br />high school level 110% <br />For the period of time beginning the effective date of this Article and terminating on the <br />day on which the third high school within the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School District is <br />first attended by high school students, the determination by the Chapel Hill-Carrboro <br />School District that adequate service levels for public schools exist shall be made without <br />regard to whether or not projected capacity of the High School level exceeds 110% of <br />Building Capacity. On and after the day on which the third high school within the Chapel <br />Hill-Carrboro School District is first attended by high school students, determination by <br />the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School District that adequate service levels for public schools <br />exist shall be made only if projected capacity of each school level does not exceed the <br />following: <br />Elementary School 105% of Building Capacity <br />Middle School 107% of Building Capacity <br />High School 110% of Building Capacity <br />For the period of time beginning the effective date of this Article and terminating on the <br />day on which the third middle school within the Orange County School District is first <br />attended by middle school students, the determination by the Orange County School <br />District that adequate service levels for public schools exist shall be made without regard <br />to whether or not projected capacity of the Middle School level exceeds 107% of <br />Building Capacity. On and after the day on which the third middle school within the <br />Orange County School District is first attended by middle school students, determination <br />by the Orange County School District that adequate service levels for public schools exist <br />shall be made only if projected capacity of each school level does not exceed the <br />following: <br />Elementary School 105% of Building Capacity <br />Middle School 107% of Building Capacity <br />High School 110% of Building Capacity <br />\\COLEMANPDC\SHARED\Lisa\orangecounty\DraftSAPFO-ZO-Amendment rev by GEG 62403.doc 3 <br />