Agenda - 06-26-2003-9C
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-26-2003
Agenda - 06-26-2003-9C
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8/29/2008 2:53:37 PM
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8/29/2008 10:49:09 AM
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Minutes - 20030626
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2003
ORD-2003-103 Schools Adequate Public Facilities Memorandum of Understanding and Ordinance
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\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2000-2009\2003
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36 <br />opportunity for those governing Boards to comment on the <br />recommendation.. In making its recommendation, the committee shall <br />consider the following, and in making its determination, the Board of <br />Commissioners shall consider the following: <br />(i) The accuracy of the methodology and projected growth rate then <br />in use in projecting school membership for the current school <br />year; <br />(ii) The accuracy of the student generation rate then in use in <br />predicting the number of students at each level actually generated <br />by each new housing type; <br />(iii) Approval of and issuance of CAPS for residential developments <br />that, individually or collectively, are of sufficient magnitude to <br />alter the previously agreed upon school membership growth <br />projections; or <br />(iv) Other trends and factors tending to alter the previously agreed <br />upon projected growth rates. <br />If any such change is made in the projected growth rate, the methodology <br />for determining this rate, or the student generation rate, the Orange County <br />Board of Commissioners shall inform the other parties to this <br />Memorandum prior to February 1 S` in any year in which such change is <br />intended to become effective what change was made and why it was <br />necessary. <br />e. The Orange County Board of Commissioners shall provide a copy of the <br />updated CIP to each of the parties to the Memorandum as soon as it is <br />revised, annually or otherwise. <br />Section 2. The towns and the county will adopt amendments to their respective ordinances, <br />conceptually similar to that attached hereto as Exhibit A, to coordinate the <br />approval of residential developments within the School District with the adequacy <br />of existing and proposed school facilities. <br />Section 3. The following process shall be followed by the School District to receive and take <br />action upon applications for Certificates of Adequacy of Public School Facilities <br />("CAPS") submitted by persons who are required by an implementing ordinance <br />conceptually similar to that attached as Exhibit A to have such certificates before <br />the development permission they have received from the town or county becomes <br />effective. <br />a. On Fe~a' November 15th of each year, the School District shall <br />calculate the building capacity of each school level and the school <br />membership of each school level as of November 15th of that <br />year. Also on November 15th a' of each year, the School <br />District shall calculate theiec~-projected building capacity for <br />each school level and the-gated-projected school membership for <br />FI!_isalorangecountylmou for oc bd of educ cb version with geg chgs.doc 3 <br />
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