Orange County NC Website
3 <br />Board action related to the Manager's performance review for 2002-03. The Board of <br />Commissioners completed the Manager's performance review for 2002-03 and decided to <br />adjust his salary from $129,629 to $136,110 effective April 14, 2003. This budget <br />amendment enacts the adjustment to the Manager's salary effective April 14, 2003 and <br />authorizes to fund the cost of the adjustment for fiscal year 2002-03, and. (See Attachment <br />1, column #6) <br />8. At its June 23, 2003 meeting, the Board of County Commissioners approved an <br />appropriation of $35,000 from the Commissioners' Contingency account to the Lands <br />Legacy Capital Project Fund. This budget amendment provides for the appropriation of <br />$35,000 from the Commissioners' Contingency. After this appropriation, $2,260 remains in <br />this Contingency account for the current fiscal year. (See Attachment 2, Land Legacy <br />Capital Project Ordinance) <br />112/118 North Churton Street Capital Project Ordinance <br />9. Some functions of the Clerk of Courts are located at 112 North Churton Street in Hillsborough. <br />At this time last year, the County was leasing that space for the Courts along with office space <br />located at 118 North Churton Street for the Veterans Services office. After the beginning of the <br />current fiscal year, the Board of Commissioners granted approval for the County to issue debt <br />and purchase the buildings in lieu of continuing the lease arrangement. As a point of <br />comparison, the annual lease payments for the building totaled $55,234 while the annual debt <br />service payment for fiscal year 2003-04 is about $66,000 and will decrease annually over the <br />ten-year repayment period. The result of the purchase is that the funds budgeted to pay the <br />monthly lease need to be transferred to cover the partial year cost of debt service. This budget <br />amendment transfers the unexpended lease payments from the Clerk of Courts budget to the <br />County's Debt Service function (See Attachment 1, column #8) <br />One component of purchasing the property included conducting an environmental compliance <br />study of the site. The County paid the cost of the study up-front and the owner agreed to <br />reimburse the County for the associated expenses. The attached capital project ordinance also <br />allows for the reimbursement of those costs, which totaled $58,189. (See Attachment 3, 112/118 <br />North Churton Street Capital Project Ordinance) <br />Register of Deeds <br />10. Last year, the NC General Assembly approved legislation that required counties throughout the <br />State to earmark ten percent of some of the fees collected by Registers of Deeds for automation <br />efforts. The revenues from this earmarking are set aside in the County's Register of Deeds <br />Automation Enhancement and Preservation Fund Capital Project. <br />At their September 3, 2002 meeting, the Board of County Commissioners approved additional <br />anticipated revenues of $100,000 based on current year collection projections at that time. Since <br />then, the department has experienced higher than anticipated revenues. The additional amount <br />that is earmarked for the Automation Enhancement and Preservation Fund totals $87,000. This <br />budget amendment provides for these additional revenues in this Capital Project Fund. (See <br />Attachment 4, Automation Enhancement and Preservation Fund Capital Project Ordinance) <br />