Orange County NC Website
OWASA -Draft Water Conservation Mules and Standards rage ~ ui ~ <br />- i. Tits. or tither _ro ~erties so de•sis~nated for the lnirposes of these St~u~dc~rds <br />t~zun~bcred d ~ p } ~ ~,~. <br /> special arrangements Fi ith (}t>4•':151. <br />I~I)TABLE '4'4'ATEI2. Treated l~~ater proviclecl b~- (~~~'.-~Sr'~ 'that is suits~.ble for drinking; <br />cooking, and other domestic ~~'atcr that is cc>]lected indoc}rs in containers from <br />indoor faucets or spigots that ~-oz~ld others-isc be discharged into drainpipes ti~~hile a <br />user awaits the t~~arming of the ~~-titer f~~r dish~~-a5hin~. other «, shaving, bathing, <br />or sho~~~ering is not considered to lze pc}table «~<~ter f.`or the purposes c7i• these Standards. <br />~2EC"IYITATI®l~i E2ATIr. The aai~ount o1.'~~ater applied ]~E°r unit oftime, usuall}~ <br />expressed in inches per hour. <br />I-LJI3LIC RIGHT-OF-~~VAY. 'I~he area of lard c~~~7~ecl or mai~~t:air~ed by municipal; <br />counttir, or state govenunent pri.tnarily for the ~tse of tl;e: public for the moven~r:nt of <br />people, gaocls, vehicles. or storm water. For tl~e purposes of these Standards, the public <br />right-of-w•ay shall. include curbs, streets, side«°all:s, and storm «-titer drainage inlets, but <br />shall not. include adjacent landscaped areas that nay also be located. within the legally <br />delineated public right-of=~vay. <br />RAIN BARREL r1 tanl: or container, typically located on tl:~e ground beneath a roof <br />drainage s}%stem, that captures and stores rain~~-titer fEZr subsequent .reuse. <br />121lV «%ATER. ~~'ater drawn from a reser~-•oir or other water source before treatment. <br />1"2ECLAIlV1ED V4'ATER. Highly treated efi7ucnt froi~~ a w~~stewater treatment plant <br />that can. be safely used for such. non-potable purposes as inflation, heating.cooling, <br />street cleaning, dust: control, firefighting; a~.rd other applications that do not require <br />t~•ater of potable qu~rlity. <br />I2LINOFF. Va'ater ~vhiclz is not. absort-~ed by the soil or landscape to ~n~hich it is applied. <br />runoff occurs ~h°l~en. F}pater is applied too quickly (application rato exceeds infiltration. <br />rate); particularly if there is a severe slope. These Sta~~da~•ds do not apply to stormivater <br />runoff which. is created by nahual precipitation rather than Inu~~an-caused. or applied <br />~,vater use. <br />SERVICE AREA. The geographic area in ~j laich O~?~"~'~Sl~. prov=ides or is authori~ecl to <br />prc.~vide ~~•ater al~dior sewer. se2ti-ice. <br />SHtiT-OFF NOZZLE. A deg°ice attached to the end. of a hose that completely shuts <br />off the flow, even if left tulattended. <br />SOAKER HOSE.: flexible h.osc designed to emit a t:rick:le of «~ater along its entire <br />lef~gth, either through numerous s~yiall-diameter (less than U3~ inch) perforations or <br />through the permeable material of its composition. <br />S>~IL~Y IRRIGATION. The application of t~~ater to landscaping by mea~~s of a device <br />that projects water through the air in the ft>rn~ of sma11 particles or droplets. <br />SPRINKLER HEAD. A device, that pre?jests ~~,-ater through the air in the fcn•m of sn-~al] <br /> 5/29/2003 <br />