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~a <br />A REVISED INTERIM ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE YEAR ROUND <br />CONSERVATION OF WATER AND FOR TEMPORARY RESTRICTIONS DURING <br />WATER SHORTAGES AND EMERGENCIES RELATED TO ALL ORANGE WATER <br />AND SEWER AUTHORITY CUSTOMERS LOCATED IN TH)H; UNINCORPORATED <br />PART OF ORANGE COUNTY. <br />Article I -Purpose and Definitions <br />I. A. Purpose <br />The purpose of this Ordinance is to: <br />Reduce the rate of increase in overall water use through year-round water conservation <br />practices that will help maximize the community's existi ng and planned water supply <br />sources and help reduce seasonal peak day demands that result in the need for costly <br />expansion of water treatment, storage, and transmission facilities. Such year-round <br />practices shall include: <br />a. Reducing indoor water waste by encouraging the installation and maintenance of <br />ultra-low flow toilets, faucet aerators, low-flow showerheads and similar <br />devices, as well as other creative and commonsense indoor conservation <br />practices. <br />b. Reducing irrigation and irrigation-related water waste without sacrificing <br />landscape quality through the cultivation of lower water use plants; improved <br />landscape design and planting practices; more efficient watering practices; and <br />improved irrigation system design and maintenance. <br />c. Increasing the use of reclaimed wastewater and stormwater for irrigation and <br />other uses that do not require water of potable quality. <br />2. Provide an orderly process for reducing community-wide water demands during periods <br />of drought or other naturally occurring causes of water shortages; and <br />Provide an orderly process for reducing community-wide water demands during periods <br />of water shortages due to natural disaster (other than drought), major OWASA facilities <br />failure, or other unexpected and sudden loss of water supply, treatment, or distribution <br />capacity that constitutes a water supply emergency. <br />I. B. Definitions <br />The following definitions shall apply to this Ordinance unless the context clearly indicates or <br />requires a different meaning. <br />