Orange County NC Website
Orange Water and Sewer Authority f <br />Response to Comments from the January 16, 2003 Joint Meeting <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />Comment: Customers need to understand OWASA's trigger points for water shortages. <br />Cane these triggers be further defined? <br />Response: Yes. OWASA has developed a clearer defuution and example of the shortage <br />triggers and will provide these to the Towns and County when it transmits the new <br />conservation standards for local consideration. <br />Comment: How would OWASA handle water rationing during an emergency? <br />Response: Water service could be temporarily valved offto certain portions of <br />OWASA's distribution system in order to maintain pressure and flow to the most critical <br />areas, such as the LJNC Hospitals. But, as reported during the January 16, 2003 joint <br />meeting, these details haven't been developed. <br />Comment: Greater conservation may result in higher water rates -this needs to be <br />"squared" with the public. <br />Response: Certain OWASA-sponsored conservation options that are still being <br />evaluated, such as a toilet rebate program, water audits, etc., may indeed require <br />additional funding, which could affect OWASA's annual operating budget; but, <br />successful conservation efforts may also reduce long-term capital expenditures by <br />slowing the rate of growth in water demand and associated facilities. These effects will <br />be explored in further detail as OWASA budgets are developed in the coming yeazs. <br />Comment: How does "purchased water" fit into OWASA's plans? <br />Response: OWASA has agreements in place to buy from or sell water during <br />emergencies to Durham, Hillsborough, and Chatham County when such water is <br />available, but these agreements do not guarantee the provision of water during periods of <br />prolonged drought or water shortage. OWASA's future water supply plans may include a <br />partnership with Durham and/or Chatham County in which such guazantees might be <br />provided under. appropriate conditions and compensation. <br />