Orange County NC Website
~~ <br />Orange Water and Sewer Authority <br />Response to Comments Received During Ja les and St ndards t <br />Meeting About Proposed Conservation Ru <br />Irrication Issues <br />Comment: Several suggestions were made for greater restrictions (and an exception for <br />public playing fields) on the use of OWASA water for spray irrigation. <br />Response: OWASA supports the irrigation restrictions as drafted, but recommends that <br />total residential water use under a Stage 2 and Stage 3 shortage be limited to an average <br />of 800 and 600 gallons per day, respectively, which is expected to help moderate the use <br />of potable water for outdoor irrigation. Additionally, OWASA's proposed standards <br />(February 19, 2003 version} include additional encouragement of water efficient <br />landscaping, irrigation, and rainwater harvesting. <br />Bich Water Use By Individual Customers <br />Comment: How would OWASA enforce usage limits? <br />Response: In general, usage limits would be monitored through OWASA's billing <br />system. If, after due process (actual procedures have not yet been established), excessive <br />usage were to continue, the customer's water service would be turned off. OWASA <br />plans to implement a special Water Shortage Fee Surcharge that would substantially <br />increase the cost of water during a declaredthSe wager Conservation Standards, OoWASA <br />any such occurrences. For infractions of <br />would contact the customers and ask for their cooperation, and would seek assistance <br />from local law enforcement only if needed. <br />Comment: OWASA should set very high rates or fines for customers who exceed <br />established limits. <br />Response: As noted above, OWASA will implement a special "excess use" or rate <br />surcharge to be applied during decl efi~i water use b getheOTov ns and County may do so <br />legal authority to levy fines for wart <br />if they choose. <br />Comment: How were the proposed consumption blocks for the residential inverted block <br />rates determined? <br />Response: These were based on the observed average consumption of 6,000 gallons per <br />month by OWASA's residential 2002 more Bhan 600 res ~ntial acusoomers u~.sed more <br />declared Water Shortage of July > <br />than 30, 000 gallons of water. <br />