Orange County NC Website
OWASA -Draft Water Conservation Rules and Standards Yage u or t t <br />detenni_ne ~~=hich of the folle~wing stages is the most appropriate response to the estimated I <br />level. of risk. <br />A. ~~'ater Supply Advisory <br />:'1 tA'ater Supply Advisory shall represent ajl alert to the public of a potential shorta~~e <br />and. notifiication that ~~•ater restrictions lnay be imposed if the watet• supply andior <br />dernat~d conditions do not improve in the near firture. In tl~e evet~.t of a declared Water <br />Sit.pply Advisory: <br />1. 1~1o mandatory «=ater use restrictions otlle.r tliatl y=ear-round regl.rirerne-rts already= <br />in place will be implemented. <br />?. O~~~ASA shall make extensive use of nleclia releases, advertising, arld other <br />reasonable means ofpublicizing lire ti~-ater suppl}- advison~ and t1~e need fc~t• <br />i.mrnediate voluntary conservation. <br />3. OWASA shall inform the 'vlayors of C'arrboro a.nd Chapel l-li.ll anal the Chair of <br />the Orange County= Board of Commissioners of its declaration of a 1~'ater Supply <br />Advisory. <br />B. Sta;;e One (1 } ~'Vater Shortage <br />In the event that OWASA declares a Stage One Vti'ater Shortage, O~rv'ASA shall advise <br />the :Mayors of Carrboro ar~d Chapel 1-lill and the Chair ctf the Ot•artge County= Board of <br />Commissioners of its declaration and. shall request that they issue Proclamations of~ <br />t~'ater Supply Shorta~,~e. Upon Utfi.'ASA`s declaration of a Stage One Vv'ater Shortage, <br />the follav~~v~rg acticros shall be t~i:en «~th the gt~al of reducing overall «•ater d.emartd by <br />tern (10} percent: <br />t~'ater use by individually metered residential accounts arld by <br />individually metered irrigation-only accounts shall be limited to no mare than all <br />average of one thousand (1,000) gallons ]rer day during ally months}= bii[ing cycle <br />beginning after the declaration oi~a ~rv'ater Supply= Shortage or Water Sul-±ply <br />Erxrergency anal ending while such restrictions are still in effect. <br />?. Spray irrigation using Oti~'ASA potable ;~-ater shall 1TOt: occur. more than one day <br />per ~~°eeL. with a ni~.~:imuni of one-half inch of ~.~rater applied to plant material in <br />anv given week. Evers-numbered properties shall be allowed to spray irrigate only <br />on Tuesdays; odd-numbered properties shall be allo«=ed. to spray irrigate only on <br />Thursdays. Spray irrigation shall occur only betweer~~ the• hours of ~:Ot? pan. and <br />9:00 a.m. These restrictions shall not apply to the ~vaterin~ of containerized <br />plaa~ts and commercial plant stock in trade. <br />3. Iit•igation by underground, drip irrigation, micro spray, low precipitation <br />bubblers, soaker hose sy=stems vF-ith automatic shutoffi's, or by hand Reid hoses c}r <br />~vatertng cans may occur at ally trine or frequency, but shall be limited to a <br />maxirnutn of one-half inch of water applied to plant. material. in any given ~~reek. <br /> consord.asp 5/29/2003. <br />