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OWASA -Draft Water Conservation Rules and Standards Page 7 of 11 <br />c. ~~'ater used for construction ar Illaintenance activities r~~here the al~plica.tion <br />af~va.ter is the apllrc)p1•iate methedolagy ~Slld ~~'llere Il0 other 131'~lCtlCal <br />alternative exists. <br />3. O~ti'ASA shall periodically publicize aI>d educate its custolllers on <br />additional methods to cc)nserve the interior use of wafer. <br />~rtic)le ITT - Determinat>cat~ of a ~atet• Supp~T Shortage or l~e~erge~cy <br />1V. <br />:'~. I3raught Cc-rtditian Shortage <br />C)~~~ASA shall base its determination of existing or potential water cc)Ilditions <br />oll its analysis of reservoi~• levels, strealnflow, existing arld ;anticipated dem~Illd, <br />availability of supplemental supplies, as well. as other elements of reasonable <br />professicnlal _judgnle.nt and management. The d~:tenllillatic)n of drought shortage <br />canclitians shall be guided by periodic estilllates aftlle risk (i.e.; probability} that tivater <br />stc)red i.ll (?~~'ASA's resel•~~oir system ~~-iil deeli_ne to «naccei7tably lo«~ levels witlllll the <br />foreseeable future. lintel Unproved or alternative cl7tel-ia are developed, such guidance <br />shall be based on a five percent or greater risk. that tc.)tal reservoir storage v4~i11 daclille to <br />~'() percent or less of total storage capacity ~vitllin ali 18 month period. This gllidrlnce <br />shall apply to the initial declaratiall of a 1~'ater Supply Shortage or Emergency and shall <br />inform subsequent declarations af~nlare or less severe t~'ater Supply Sl1ol-tages or <br />1.~;IIlergencies. <br />I3. ~'Vater Treatment, Storage, t?r Distribution ~'allacity Sh~lrtarie <br />lIl to conditions caused. by drought, C)`t~%AS~~. Inay declare a Water Supply <br />Shal•tage or Elnergellcy «~henever customer demands - as averaged aver tllrce <br />cc)nsecutive days - exceed. 8a percent of OttJ,~SA's capability of treating and delivering <br />r~%ater. 'The stage and duration of such a t~'atc;r Supply Shortage ar Emergency shall be <br />guided by the degree to whicl2 customer demands approach or exceed Oy~i%ASA's <br />capacity to nleei those demands, ~tlld by the dec}ree to «-hich. cc)nsel•vation effc)rts <br />successfully reduce short-term. demands. <br />C. :Natural and Klan-Ib'Lac1e Disasters anti C;atastrvphic lEquipment a>ad l:'lant failure <br />Shortage <br />.-any other circumstaalces, including ser~-ice lcssses caus~.d by aquipnlent car facility <br />failure, hulnall el~•or, deliberate act, Eveathcr, ar other natural disaster, which constrain <br />C)~k'ASA's water supply, treatment, or di.stl-ibrztion capacity to less than that reasonably <br />lleecled by its customers, shall constitute a. Vv`ater Supply Shortage up to alld including a <br />~~%ater Supply Emergency, requiring ilnnlediate action by Ot~'t1SA. <br />Article V -Required Actions >Llettl~:lr V6'ater S~~P~Y Shortage or <br />E~~ergency ~`c~nditi~ns <br />V. III the event ofa water supply shortage, O~~'ASA shall, using its best proessiarlal.juclgnlent, <br />httn://www.owasa.or~/nas?es/2003consord.asn 5/29/2003 <br />