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ai <br />- If Planning Board fails to make a recommendation within the allocated time, the <br />application shall be forwarded to the BOCC without a Planning Board recommendation. <br />• BOCC makes final decision. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): Planning Staff recommends APPROVAL of the proposed <br />Amendment. <br />Carla Thames presented an overview of the proposed Ordinance <br />Thames: Our ordinance as it stands now has a reference that requires to submission of additional <br />documents to include lighting. Lighting plans do not have performance standards for review. <br />Several goals that we are trying to achieve with the Outdoor Lighting Standard are promoting <br />energy conservation, reducing light pollution, and preventing light trespass onto adjacent <br />properties. Discuss Information/Issues at Public Hearing on February 24, 2003". Requested <br />information on where the flood light standards were derived from. Requested an example of <br />"temporary lighting". What is the cost of amortization or shielding of existing lights? <br />Benedict: Instead of mechanical shields, the lights may be painted which may not be completely <br />effective but may be an interim solution. <br />Gooding-Ray: Is there any way we can do this before the fixtures go out? <br />Benedict: That is something we could explore. <br />Thames: Condition that requires solar lighting for subdivision signage. Solar lighting is not in <br />the plan yet. Request information on the cost of inspecting lights. Legal opinion requested <br />regarding whether or not the County has the authority to regulate publicly funded streetlights. <br />One of the Commissioners suggested we incorporate that into the plan only in subdivisions. The <br />original standards exempted streetlights but DOT requested that we comply with their standards <br />that they be included. Request the Chamber of Commerce be notified and give the opportunity <br />to review and comment. <br />Benedict: Our proposal will be where we do have clear authority we will ask for these new <br />standards and where there is unclear authority, we will have a section of the ordinance that says <br />"in these other situations, we suggest or strongly encourage the use of these standards mentioned <br />by these other authorities", such as Duke Power, DOT, etc. <br />Thames: One area of the ordinance that allows upward lighting is for the US Flag in cases where <br />it is not taken down at night. I need find the definition for a governmental flag? <br />Triebel: Concerned that the seasonal decoration sections allowed too much time. <br />Gooding-Ray: Changes to 6.31.4 D, H and a definition of a governmental flag. We also need a <br />definition of "upward". <br />3 <br />