Orange County NC Website
MRR 21 2003 12 : 35PM ORRNGE COUNTY BOiC[: ~ ~ l ~ ~ o-. -r ~«" <br />(S~eltednh t'L (NC) Camtianed) ~ !~ <br />APFRpVHD bVBL CHAR(76 ~4DJUi;T1~t1'!'S ~j <br />The Compny't Ebel ~ ate. if any. pttrmant to North Caro>ias Qeaaal Statate 62-133.2. aura spply to all <br />service aeppiiedtedarthie Sdtsdak.l'he eaeue^tly approved adjastao~ts are octaded fi the Rate above. <br />EXPLANA'i ORY NOT$S ~ . <br />m The inatatletiaa a!Fhrrola~morrtuaf bmioafees is (A) above iacMdes the Coaspaay'i 40-foot: atandend wrond poke. <br />(s) Wood•pob lan'ar tirsn /0 let, err inrctures other timt ataadasd wood gok; n-ay be insta>led for as extira raattthiy char8a <br />oqurl ea 1.7% of fhe eaitastad isatatiea coif diff'mence l~xveea the lummairee sad eCarchtres regnaso:d, slat egtuvsleat <br />traoineires and dardard poles„ and anch extra chaf=e she11 not be lets then 55.39 per tmath. par poh err attter straratae. <br />(b) Tae Campay's etaadiaed teatd street lijhtiag pots msy be ®stslled for an extra monthly chase of SSS9 per cnamW per pate. <br />(e) The Camapamlr's serodasa meW nndares pole maY be instilled for m cxtn monthly ekar8a of lSS9 pine 1.1X of Qte <br />edbated fsdaged cost dillhrpeoe hetwebn the segnesAed pole sad the Company's standard metal drag liglttfra pole. per <br />ntaal par pole. Tas strodsaa meW Wait-aoa pore maybe imrtalled wehoat a Mmc~aire for a moott~r eharRe of 57.36 phis <br />I.79G of the estriroated irstdad Dort diBereor.e betareae the tegsested pole and tbe.Cotnpsny's stsndtud mahl,lnad ~~s . <br />pots <br />(der S~ Ord w'ooA Pot amd ~e may be pi~avided at le w~ cltatges as in (3) btJow vvhea provided eolety to ~appost tnffse <br />(2)ftcvice tadwt o+ethead oso/oaiose it tsar awTsble is any area designated by the Company ea tmd~tmd distrtbotion ~ nor <br />itt any aver. loeatjo4 or peameirat trains iened frame as tmdergtnaad aotmx, 'fhes+a w19 be tso etttta cbar8e for ttodetpotmd <br />oondac4ntt to hgstisaitrs ioetdsd a ittau whore dte Cbsnpaay at its ovrtt optiam ha deteaniaed that ~desgronnd d+sflnbndan <br />BsaiUdee sitaald ha isdrlbd. <br />(3)Far srMa asttie4s tstistieipal ihnils: i.e~rdea of the lnm[naae or tnaeinaitea in at+eas oatsiae of mnaieiQal limit std ire <br />dasiseat•ed h the Crsromarbart the bastion east be witltla the didertce which caa be med-ed by a eecoadery este~on from the <br />C mpnty's ste•taro aisesbstioaa Ihcilities. Sbnld the number of poles is the secondary eatesuioa regoind to nerve the <br />lasm~i~a(s) asoeed the a_her of poke m which bsae~et-mowed luminaires ate iaskllea. s :awttbl]' chstge of 51.78 P~ P~ <br />i]!eY bE ttard0 fbT arch ettroaw ttttttdrer of poles. tatould dta iscbdlatiaa iaehtda dnarngays err spsngnya, a ehasge of i.63 par <br />mom per ssry ahd 6a mars. Wags 11ee ios~atioo :egaestod rngnfasr a prmraty.apatsipn solely is tes'e the lami,aires, m <br />. sdddiaiesl mamily ahasgp of 1.791 bf la atiostred cost of the primary extension ~ be made. <br />(4)A>t 4os1t'tier m4esrssy far ewvio. adder this Scbednle, lndadiag fuses. temps, raaaols, Poles. hrrdwarz, trattsfotmeis, <br />oandgetot~ and alurappmtuesooaa star ba owned sad mimed try the GSosapaay. ~ . <br />(S) Cba mes+eaq Yapor Isarps an tttisdad e4>tipmetd in d tneacnry vapor htmit-aires strove. Color-mipmved lstaps ram Ge <br />sstppiied !hr an calla ~ of 73 alit Pa ~p itar mt~th. <br />(6)Wbea two os mots taaeirrirae ors iaabalied om the same pore.a other atrucmee, tl-e sttp6eable monthly ehsrgaa for each <br />lamisairr: athar flora tors ftnt wA be tsdrard t 1.7g. <br />(7)"Sobteibsa" >oaieak+a are da6aoi u Mndard Nt3M1--style fistores with refracmrs sad v.btgraiaa lamps. "Urbm" <br />inat~-eies as de$ssi M'bsbndtpls° tftttoaiee widt meloead raFraceive er flat lrasee rod harman~l-bosnin8 APR <br />FAYIwiBlgi <br />BIOa ender bare Sdiaduli ass are red pteyahie on tea dde ofthe bib st the oRfioe of the Company. Bills ste pact doe and dcWtquast <br />0o the flAeaath dt~y rile the dttie afthe aitr: Many bill fe nd sa paid. the ComPmy has the t~g6t is sopaod service. !a addition, d <br />bye sot paid by tb tantryFlllW dq rfhtr fan date of the b;n t3sr0 tie satgecc to a ama peireat (M:) Lae payraart ~ on the <br />sms~t Tire h!e psyraest aaersi red be tmdiesed m Ibe foIIow:rs mo>tth•s bin and it siyaII become; part of; sad ba d~ea and <br />Paybiewith. t>teb~aowbicbit itslradaed. . <br />Tae ati~at ttttm of ootttact t8ay ba (root a mmirainm of tutee years to a mst3matn of Zt) 7e~ Contracts win contiane sfter the <br />oeisimal teem men lewsimeed by a8aer party m thKydays' ~rtitieo notioc, and the CaemrpeDy may segsie a deposh not to exceed <br />aoeataif of the ravauas ibr the aafisLal tense. Tae dapr>.it wll be s'etrtaed at the and of the adgiosl ~ pravidad the Castomaer has <br />mat alt psviisioos of the eontiaat. !(imam term of oaadtsd far sparafie siheationa rhag be; <br />(a) Three yearsfar d lmr6ufsea dsriprtesd m stsndata bYthe Coaapany rend ba:cket-monatod on ebmdQa poa:s. <br />(b) Tea years for d im~itaa deslBaaMd u deoosadve by the Coropmy, sad for alt daotiasd menased an Ryrposts <br />other them staadwl woos poNa~ sad lr psaary att~adors solely senrins the laminaiee:. <br />(c) Tweatyyem fbr a8 lrttdg4ss err emppnsts deaigtuaed as sen~tsttdeed by the Ca®pemy. ~ . <br />Naafi Crrsrria lydoeanlh RavLed Leaf No. 34 <br />lstfecdrs for scrub as asd sdUarJei,-1.2902 <br />AiCtTC 1SoeJrat Ne. &7. ftrb 70f <br />t~s8er dated brae 2S, 2002 <br />