Agenda - 06-26-2003-8n
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-26-2003
Agenda - 06-26-2003-8n
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8/29/2008 3:00:42 PM
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8/29/2008 10:48:51 AM
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Minutes - 20030626
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2003
ORD-2003-037 - Outdoor Lighting Standards Zoning Ordinance Amendment
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\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2000-2009\2003
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11 ~~'~ <br />certain) influence whether I thought it was a reasonable thing. tf it's going to be less ~~ <br />1 would. Y <br />reasonable, then, 1 might want to consider at least easo 9 is d et leastghe schools and the s so <br />2 enod of tim , <br />3 that their lights are phased out over a p <br />munici alities and the County phased out the lights that are polluting and take, and again, as we <br />4 P example. <br />5 often say, lead by <br />6 <br />~ Nicole Goodin4 - Rav "Commissioner Halkiotis. <br />8 I've been <br />Commissioner Halkiotis "I just wanted to make surentha~ v both ends of the Couty.'n to ge <br />9 <br />10 some of the proposals out to the Chambers of Com <br />and this County long enough to know that I have see allot of sea1rch I'ght ~ f om Chapel Hildl <br />11 aro <br />12 entertainment, indoors and outdoors, and I ve also seen ood olic to et <br />13 Boulevard to Hillsborough and parts nortiness west. I think it would be just a g p Y <br />community know what's being proposed here." <br />14 this before both Chambers to let the bus <br />15 " <br />16 Nicole Goodinca_Ray "Mr• Bryan. <br />17 his s Baker did not come to the mic so I could not hear <br />1 g Ja Brvan Ptannina Board Member [T ~ P ole? <br />19 all he said] " I have a couple of quick things. Therm nk cou have, deli i ion for CCUt off and [Pere <br />20 it talks about cut-off features. And the definfion I Y y ole? <br />21 full?] cut-off. And my suggestion would be that where it says "cut-off" it should be real) [p <br />22 full?] cut-off. That means that you donut let~hcut-off so Irminotusure how would applytbut that's <br />23 horizontal. 1 didn't see the term [pole . full . ] <br />24 one suggestion. <br />25 <br />26 °The second one was that the ligntina dlthat kind of thr'ngnThat`s made a part of what's <br />27 consideration for energy -efficient ligh g <br />28 being required. <br />29 about how you measure light, that is how the County, <br />30 ."Thirdly, there wasn't anything complicate the Ordinance by that, but <br />31 what kind of techniques [couldn't understand him] ... <br />32 there's nothing in there that defines that. . <br />33 es of <br />34 "The last thing is these, some compendium of [pictures? fixtures?e dix.. Thank you " <br />35 ~ [couldn't hear him] ...fixtures that could be used [couldn't hear him] app <br />36 . <br />37 Nicole Goodinct - RaY `Ok, [Ms. Price?]" <br />38 ~ "Peo le who spoke, whether they thought the issue was more the <br />39 f Ms Renee A. Iman Price . ] p ou know, which would <br />40 type of fighting, or whether it is the design of the light fixtures itself and, y <br />41~ actually achieve the I'~ghting you want overall for the efficiency? <br />42 <br />43 Ron Osborne "It makes sense. While I've 9OWe y ro~ dedt there lis tthe rate s h d les off ed by <br />44 Mr. Jacobs, in the attachment that Duke P P <br />45 the Commission. There's a contract period on the la once that cunt act period for whaever the <br />46 investment and everything. If the fight was replace <br />47 light is, and it varies depending on the type of light, was met, then that cost would be greatly <br />48 reduced. What hurts is when the light just b the tines ent.tSonthat soa fac orointthere. because <br />49 you haven't recouped your investment from P <br />50 <br />
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